culture predictions for 2049 | Future timeline
Read cultural predictions for 2049, a year that will see cultural changes and events transform the world as we know it—we explore many of these changes below.
Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A futurist consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.
culture forecasts for 2049
- On October 1, the People's Republic of China will commemorate the 100th anniversary of its proclamation. 1
In 2049, a number of culture breakthroughs and trends will become available to the public, for example:
- World population forecasted to reach 9,673,057,000 1
Culture related predictions due to make an impact in 2049 include:
- List of future legal precedents tomorrow's courts will judge: Future of law P5
- Our future is urban: Future of Cities P1
- Future of death: Future of human population P7
- Future of growing old: Future of Human Population P5
- How Generation Z will change the world: Future of Human Population P3
- After the age of mass unemployment: Future of Work P7
- Governments and the global new deal: End of the Climate Wars P12
- United States vs. Mexico: Geopolitics of Climate Change
- Southeast Asia; Collapse of the tigers: Geopolitics of Climate Change
- South America; Continent of revolution: Geopolitics of Climate Change
- Russia, the empire strikes back: Geopolitics of Climate Change
- Middle East; Collapse and radicalization of the Arab world: Geopolitics of Climate Change
- India and Pakistan; famine and fiefdoms: Geopolitics of Climate Change
- Europe; Rise of the brutal regimes: Geopolitics of Climate Change
- Canada and Australia, fortresses of ice and fire: Geopolitics of Climate Change
- Africa; Continent of famine and war: Geopolitics of Climate Change