We help clients
thrive from
future trends

Helping your team use strategic foresight and innovation management to create future-ready business and policy solutions.

Trusted by research, strategy, innovation, and market insights teams worldwide

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Quantumrun Foresight believes understanding future trends will help your organization make better decisions today.

Companies that actively invest in foresight capabilities experience:

Greater average profitability
Higher average growth rates

Reasons clients invest in our foresight and innovation management services

Product ideation

Collect inspiration from future trends to design new products, services, policies, and business models your organization can invest in today.

Cross-industry market intelligence

Collect market intelligence about emerging trends happening in industries outside your team's area of expertise that may directly or indirectly impact your organization's operations.

Scenario building

Explore future (five, 10, 20 years+) business scenarios that your organization may operate in and identify actionable strategies for success in these future environments.

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Early warning systems

Establish early warning systems to prepare for market disruptions.

Strategic planning & policy development

Identify future solutions to complex present-day challenges. Use these insights to implement inventive policies and action plans in the present day.

Tech and startup scouting

Research the technologies and startups/partners necessary to build and launch a future business idea or a future expansion strategy for a target market.

Funding prioritization

Use scenario-building exercises to identify research priorities, plan science and technology funding, and plan large public expenditures that could have long-term consequences (e.g., infrastructure).

All integrated inside the

Quantumrun Platform.


The business value of strategic foresight

Our foresight work has kept strategy, innovation, and R&D teams ahead of disruptive market shifts and has contributed to developing innovative products, services, legislation, and business models.


Planning a workshop? Webinar? Conference? Quantumrun Foresight’s featured speaker network will give your employees the mental frameworks and techniques to enhance their long-term strategic thinking and generate new policy and business ideas.

Advisory services

Apply strategic foresight and innovation management with confidence. Our consultants will guide your team through our list of services to help you achieve forward-thinking business outcomes. 

Foresight Methodology

Strategic foresight empowers organizations with improved preparedness in challenging market environments. Our analysts and consultants help organizations make more informed decisions to guide their mid to long-term business strategies.

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