Lists are where you bookmark, collect and organize the trend signals and articles you find on the Quantumrun Foresight Platform.
Use Lists to organize your bookmarked articles about topics and signals that you’re exploring. You can also set your List to ‘public’ if you’d like to share your collection with the world!
You can bookmark a trend article or signal to a List in the following ways.
Option 1: Bookmark from main pages
- First, log into your Quantumrun Foresight Platform account.
- Visit the homepage (click here) or the News Signals page (click here) or one of the many category pages that you can access in the platform’s main menu.
- Within these pages, you will see a grid of articles displayed by your choice of popularity or recency.
- Within each of the articles displayed in this grid, there will be three icons. One of these icons with the ‘bookmark’ icon.
- When you click on this icon, a popup will appear that enables you to quickly bookmark this article post to one of your lists.
- Next, you can add the article to one of the Lists displayed in the dropdown.
Alternatively, you can add the article to one of your recently used/created Lists by clicking the “ADD” button beside your selected List.
Option 2: Bookmark from inside an article
The second approach is the same as option two above, except that instead of clicking on the bookmark icon, you can open the trend article you’re interested in and then you click on the “+ LIST” button on the right sidebar to activate the popup described in option two.