Research Assistant: Saving your AI answers

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  • Research Assistant: Saving your AI answers

The Quantumrun platform offers convenient options for saving and organizing your AI-generated answers from the Research Assistant. Here’s how you can save your work:

  1. Immediate Saving: After the AI generates results, you’ll see an option to save your answers directly on the interface. Click the “Save as Note” button to store the results in your Quantumrun account. Your saved research will now appear as a post on your Notes page and the Research Assistant left sidebar. 
  1. Organize by Project: Once saved as a post, you can organize saved answers by bookmarking them into different curated Lists within your account. This feature allows you to keep your research structured and easily accessible and enables your team to visualize your research later.
  1. Exporting Data: If you need to use the AI-generated results outside the Quantumrun platform, you can export them as links or PDFs. This is particularly useful for sharing insights with team members or including them in reports or presentations. 
  1. Collaborative Sharing: If you’re working with a team, Quantumrun allows you to share your saved answers with other team members directly within the platform. This ensures that everyone has access to the same up-to-date information. 

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