automation impact on employment

Automation impact on employment

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Os tractores sen condutor están aquí para axudar coa grave escaseza de man de obra nas granxas
A robótica de Bear Flag está a fabricar tractores autónomos para axudar aos agricultores a facer máis alimentos con menos persoas.
Os tractores sen condutor están aquí para axudar coa grave escaseza de man de obra nas granxas
A robótica de Bear Flag está a fabricar tractores autónomos para axudar aos agricultores a facer máis alimentos con menos persoas.
Voice automation primed to disrupt restaurant industry
More than 50% of searches will be voice-based by 2020, and the technology is evolving quickly to a point where it will act as a sort of concierge.
Onde as máquinas poderían substituír aos humanos e onde non poden (aínda)
The technical potential for automation differs dramatically across sectors and activities.
Automation and anxiety
The Economist
Will smarter machines cause mass unemployment?
Automation: The future of work
A axenda con Steve Paikin
The Agenda examines the effects of automation on job loss in Ontario, how it will shape future employment opportunities. and affect future generations.
Will automation take away all our jobs?
Here's a paradox you don't hear much about: despite a century of creating machines to do our work for us, the proportion of adults in the US with a job has c...
AI will create as many jobs as it displaces by boosting economic growth
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and related technologies are projected to create as many jobs as they displace in the UK over the next 20 years, according to new analysis by PwC.
AI and automation will replace most human workers because they don't have to be perfect—just better than you
Economists were skeptical that robots could permanently displace humans on a large scale. But look at what's happening to retail jobs: The economists were wrong.
A automatización ameaza o 25% dos empregos en EE. UU., especialmente os "aburridos e repetitivos": estudo de Brookings
Algunhas persoas sentirán a dor da automatización máis que outras, segundo un novo informe da Brookings Institution, titulado Automation and Artificial Intelligence: How Machines Affect People and Places.
A automatización ameaza diferentes grupos demográficos
Hourma Hoxe
¿Vén un robot para o teu traballo? Isto é máis probable para os californianos que traballan en Riverside, San Bernardino, Merced ou Modesto, segundo un informe publicado este mes pola Brookings Institution. Os que viven en San Francisco ou San José teñen máis posibilidades de soportar un ataque de automatización e intelixencia artificial que se aveciña. O novo estudo do think tank de Washington suxire que int
‘Robots’ are not 'coming for your job'—management Is
Listen: ‘Robots’ are not coming for your jobs. I hope we can be very clear here—at this particular point in time, ‘robots’ are not sentient agents capable of seeking out and applying for your job and then landing the gig on its comparatively superior merits. ‘Robots’ are not currently algorithmically scanning LinkedIn and with an intent to displace you with their artifici
Automation could replace up to 800 million jobs by 2035: Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Some half of all jobs worldwide - or 800 million total jobs - could be at risk of becoming obsolete by 2035 due to the rise of automation. Thats the assessment from a new report written by Bank of America Merrill Lynch analysts.
AI, the transcription economy, and the future of work
If you want to understand how technology is changing our job prospects, take a look at the folks who transcribe audio recordings into text.
Automation to hit African Americans disproportionately
The trend could weigh down overall U.S. growth.
Tech is splitting the U.S. workforce in two
Tech Is Splitting the U.S. Workforce in Two. A small group of well-educated professionals enjoys rising wages, while most workers toil in low-wage jobs with few chances to advance.
What we know about AI, and what we don’t
Dropbox é un servizo gratuíto que che permite levar as túas fotos, documentos e vídeos a calquera lugar e compartilos facilmente. Nunca máis por correo electrónico un ficheiro!
Os robots están chegando, e Suecia está ben
The New York Times
Nun mundo cheo de ansiedade polo aumento potencial da automatización que destruíu emprego, Suecia está ben situada para adoptar a tecnoloxía ao tempo que limita os custos humanos.
China’s slowdown already hit its factories. Now its offices are hurting, too.
NY Times
White-collar workers face job cuts and shrinking paychecks even in go-go industries like technology, suggesting the economic pain is broader than official figures show.
Como se están preparando os traballadores inmigrantes para a automatización na agricultura
O Mundo
Os inmigrantes, que comprenden a maioría dos traballadores da industria agrícola nos Estados Unidos, están recorrendo á formación e á educación para asegurarse de que non se quede atrás pola automatización.
Como Ford, GM, FCA e Tesla están traendo de volta aos traballadores das fábricas
The Verge
Ford, General Motors, Fiat Chrysler of America e Tesla trouxeron aos empregados da fábrica de volta ao traballo na última semana ou dúas, e cada compañía publicou un plan que mostra como os manterá a salvo. O único que lles falta a todos? Probando.
A lei dos traballadores de California afecta aos empresarios dentro e fóra do estado
Diario de Seguros
Unha lei de California que dificulta ás empresas tratar aos traballadores como contratistas independentes entrará en vigor a próxima semana, obrigando ás pequenas empresas a entrar e
Companies are increasingly worried about what their employees say
The boundaries between people’s work and private lives are increasingly blurred
Facebook designed a tool that would let employers blacklist words like 'unionize' in employee chats
Business Inside
Facebook designed a built-in feature for Workplace, the company’s office-communication product meant to compete with Slack and Microsoft Teams, that would let employers suppress workers’ discussions of unionization.
A tecnoloxía está a estratificar e automatizar a nosa forza de traballo?
Un estudo recente de Oxford estimou que "o 47% dos empregos dos países desenvolvidos desaparecerán nos próximos 25 anos como resultado da automatización". Reimaxinar a nosa forza de traballo, os traballos e os dereitos dos traballadores pode ser a nosa única solución.