generation z generation trends

Generation Z generation trends

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Generation Z cheerfully welcomes our new robotic overlords
New workers think that AI will make the world fairer, even if the rest of us have doubts.
Atheism doubles among Gen Z
In this release from the new report, we take a look at Gen Z’s views on faith, truth and the church. Barna conducted a major study to examine the culture, beliefs and motivations shaping young people in the U.S. and found that the percentage of Gen Z who identify as atheist is double that of the general population.
A investigación revela que Internet pode estar reconectando o noso cerebro e xa nos está cambiando
The London Economic
The London Economic | A investigación revela que Internet pode estar reconectando o noso cerebro e xa nos está cambiando |
Xeración Z: a ​​próxima gran audiencia do marketing
Visual Capitalista
Pasa a Millenials, xa hai unha nova xeración na que están interesadas as empresas e chámase "Xenación Z". Se non estabas familiarizado con esta nova tecnoloxía...
Xeración Z: Rebeldes cunha causa
Este artigo é de Emily Anatole, escritora de tendencias de The Intelligence Group. Os xogos da fame (película) (Crédito da foto: Wikipedia) Últimamente, houbo bastante debate sobre a xeración Y (de 18 a 34 anos) mentres esa enorme franxa de consumidores se abandoa no panorama económico. Os seus principios e comportamento teñen comerciantes, [...]
Make way for Generation Z
The New York Times
Born from the mid-1990s through the early 2000s, its members are independent, curious, mature, driven and ready to change the world.
A xeración Z está chegando aos millennials e merémolo
Debemos tomar os nosos terróns, para que non nos volvamos tan aburridos como os nosos pais.
Gen Z largely believes climate change is inevitable, though roughly half think it can be slowed
Consulta pola mañá
The youngest generation harbors few illusions that climate change has an easy fix, with most saying that its progression is inevitable, new Morning Consult data shows.
Que é unha Xeración Z e que queren?
O futuro de América está chegando, e quere o teu traballo. Como todas as xeracións anteriores.
Como será a Xeración Z no traballo
Penélope Tronco
É moi divertido seguir as tendencias para tentar descubrir o que nos depara o futuro. A xeración posterior á xeración Y é un misterio. Clase de. Hai algunhas cousas que sabemos. E o que sabemos, sabemos que non cambia moito. Por exemplo, a xente pensaba que o optimismo soleado da xeración Y se apagaría baixo os ardores de […]
Meet Generation Z: Forget everything you learned about Millennials
Marketers have been focused on Gen Y (a.k.a. Millennials) for more than a decade. In fact, Millennials are the most researched generation in history! But Gen…
Sistema de vixilancia da conduta de risco xuvenil (YRBSS)
O Sistema de Vixilancia de Comportamentos de Risco Xuvenil (YRBSS) supervisa seis tipos de comportamentos de risco para a saúde que contribúen ás principais causas de morte e discapacidade entre mozos e adultos, incluíndo comportamentos que contribúen a lesións e violencia non intencionadas; comportamentos sexuais que contribúen a embarazos non desexados e enfermidades de transmisión sexual, incluída a infección polo VIH; consumo de alcohol e outras drogas
How young adults spend their time: 2004 vs 2014
We explore the ways in which people in their twenties are using their time differently than a decade ago. The internet looms large.
The differences between Centennials (Generation Z) and Millennials (Generation Y)
Catálogo de pensamentos
If Millennials are the generation of layering, Centennials are the generation of basics.
About Gen Z
The Center for Generational Kinetics
Gen Z has arrived! Also known as iGen, this new generation, born after the Millennials, is large, diverse, and misunderstood. We're uncovering the attitudes, beliefs, trends, and differences that Gen Z brings as employees, customers, students, voters, and adults.
Centennials are the new Millennials are the new menaces 2 society
The “millennial” generation loves nothing more than advertising, except for allegedly humorous “Vines” that they force you to watch on their iPhones, at parties, which is inappropriate. The point is: advertisers are over millennials and their bullshit.
'Millennials' are now obsolete - 'Centennials' are the new generation
If you consider yourself a member of the millennial generation, meaning you are between the ages of 18 and 34, you are officially too old for marketers to care about you. Their eyes are now set on the new generation of kids 18-years-old and younger and they are called “Centennials.”
Forget the presidential election, teens are getting out the vote
A new and popular tap-to-vote app called Wishbone is making it easy for teens to voice their opinions, and marketers are starting to take notice.
Centennials: un mundo conectado cunha capacidade de atención de oito segundos
Publicación de medios
Centennials: un mundo conectado cun período de atención de oito segundos - 12/15/2015
Why young Americans are giving up on capitalism
Política exterior
Should we really be surprised that young people are rejecting the economic status quo?
Millennials: A maioría de idade
Goldman Sachs
INFOGRAFÍA: Como a xeración do millennial transformará a economía - baseado na investigación de Goldman Sachs
Sesións WGS17: Xeración Z; Están chegando e van perturbar os gobernos
Cumio de Goberno Mundial
Sesión de: Thomas Koulopoulos, presidente e fundador de Delphi Group,
The World Government Summit discusses Generation Z and the future of business
The World Government Summit in Dubai, always leaves its attendees and viewers with a gratified, inspirational understanding of what governments and businesses across the globe are doing to improve…
Generation Z looking to identify with brands
Venda polo miúdo feroz
Generation Z (loosely defined as those born between 1995-2012) is not as share-happy as its millennial predecessors. In fact, this younger demographic shares vastly different content across broader social media channels than it does with smaller groups of trusted friends.
Adolescentes, redes sociais e tecnoloxía 2018
Pew Research Center
YouTube, Instagram e Snapchat son as plataformas en liña máis populares entre os adolescentes.
Os estudantes de secundaria están a manter relacións sexuais coa taxa máis baixa das últimas décadas
Watch Market
Estes son só os últimos descubrimentos que mostran unha caída na actividade sexual entre os mozos, pero houbo descubrimentos preocupantes.
As puntuacións do coeficiente intelectual están caendo debido a factores ambientais, segundo o estudo
Segundo un novo estudo, as puntuacións do coeficiente intelectual están en descenso, invertendo unha tendencia que viu un aumento constante das puntuacións durante o século XX.
Logged off: Meet the teens who refuse to use social media
The Guardian
Generation Z has grown up online  so why are a surprising number suddenly turning their backs on Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat?
3 common misconceptions marketers have about Gen Z
Though Gen Z is more than at home with smartphones and technology, marketers often overestimate the role they plays in their daily lives.
Raised by Youtube
O Atlántico
The platform’s entertainment for children is weirder—and more globalized—than adults could have expected.
Early benchmarks show 'Post-Millennials' on track to be most diverse, best-educated generation yet
Pew Research Center
Today’s 6- to 21-year-olds are already America’s most racially and ethnically diverse generation – and more of them are heading to college than previous generations.