automation impact on employment

Automation impact on employment



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Traktori bez vozača tu su da pomognu s velikim nedostatkom radne snage na farmama
Robotika Bear Flag izrađuje autonomne traktore kako bi pomogla poljoprivrednicima da naprave više hrane s manje ljudi.
Traktori bez vozača tu su da pomognu s velikim nedostatkom radne snage na farmama
Robotika Bear Flag izrađuje autonomne traktore kako bi pomogla poljoprivrednicima da naprave više hrane s manje ljudi.
Glasovna automatizacija pripremljena za poremećaj u restoranskoj industriji
Više od 50% pretraživanja bit će glasovno utemeljeno do 2020., a tehnologija se brzo razvija do točke u kojoj će djelovati kao neka vrsta vratara.
Gdje strojevi mogu zamijeniti ljude—a gdje ne mogu (još)
The technical potential for automation differs dramatically across sectors and activities.
Automation and anxiety
The Economist
Will smarter machines cause mass unemployment?
Automation: The future of work
Dnevni red sa Steveom Paikinom
The Agenda examines the effects of automation on job loss in Ontario, how it will shape future employment opportunities. and affect future generations.
Will automation take away all our jobs?
Here's a paradox you don't hear much about: despite a century of creating machines to do our work for us, the proportion of adults in the US with a job has c...
AI will create as many jobs as it displaces by boosting economic growth
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and related technologies are projected to create as many jobs as they displace in the UK over the next 20 years, according to new analysis by PwC.
AI and automation will replace most human workers because they don't have to be perfect—just better than you
Economists were skeptical that robots could permanently displace humans on a large scale. But look at what's happening to retail jobs: The economists were wrong.
Automatizacija prijeti 25% radnih mjesta u SAD-u, posebno onih 'dosadnih i ponavljajućih': Brookingsova studija
Određeni će ljudi osjetiti bol automatizacije akutnije od drugih, navodi se u novom izvješću Instituta Brookings pod naslovom Automatizacija i umjetna inteligencija: Kako strojevi utječu na ljude i mjesta.
Automatizacija prijeti različitim demografskim skupinama
Hourma Today
Is a robot coming for your job? That is more likely for Californians who work in Riverside, San Bernardino, Merced or Modesto, according to a report released this month by the Brookings Institution. Those who live in San Francisco or San Jose have a better chance of weathering a coming onslaught of automation and artificial intelligence. The new study by the Washington think tank suggests that int
‘Robots’ are not 'coming for your job'—management Is
Listen: ‘Robots’ are not coming for your jobs. I hope we can be very clear here—at this particular point in time, ‘robots’ are not sentient agents capable of seeking out and applying for your job and then landing the gig on its comparatively superior merits. ‘Robots’ are not currently algorithmically scanning LinkedIn and with an intent to displace you with their artifici
Automation could replace up to 800 million jobs by 2035: Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Some half of all jobs worldwide - or 800 million total jobs - could be at risk of becoming obsolete by 2035 due to the rise of automation. Thats the assessment from a new report written by Bank of America Merrill Lynch analysts.
AI, ekonomija prijepisa i budućnost rada
Ako želite razumjeti kako tehnologija mijenja naše izglede za posao, pogledajte ljude koji audio zapise prepisuju u tekst.
Automatizacija će nesrazmjerno pogoditi Afroamerikance
Taj bi trend mogao smanjiti ukupni rast u SAD-u.
Tehnologija dijeli američku radnu snagu na dva dijela
Tehnika dijeli američku radnu snagu na dvoje. Mala skupina dobro obrazovanih stručnjaka uživa u rastućim plaćama, dok većina radnika radi na niskoplaćenim poslovima s malo šanse za napredovanje.
What we know about AI, and what we don’t
Dropbox je besplatna usluga koja vam omogućuje da svoje fotografije, dokumente i videozapise nosite bilo gdje i jednostavno ih dijelite. Nikada si više nemojte slati datoteku e-poštom!
Roboti dolaze, a Švedska je u redu
The New York Times
U svijetu punom tjeskobe zbog mogućeg porasta automatizacije koji može uništiti radna mjesta, Švedska je u dobroj poziciji da prihvati tehnologiju uz ograničavanje ljudskih troškova.
Usporavanje Kine već je pogodilo njezine tvornice. Sada stradaju i njegovi uredi.
NY Times
Radnici bijelih ovratnika suočavaju se s ukidanjem radnih mjesta i sve manjim plaćama čak iu go-go industrijama poput tehnologije, što sugerira da je ekonomska bol šira nego što pokazuju službene brojke.
How immigrant workers are preparing for automation in agriculture
Immigrants, who comprise the majority of agriculture industry workers in the US, are turning to training and education to make sure they’re not left behind by automation.
How Ford, GM, FCA, and Tesla are bringing back factory workers
Ford, General Motors, Fiat Chrysler of America, and Tesla all brought factory employees back to work in the last week or two, and each company published a plan showing how it will keep them safe. The one thing they’re all missing? Testing.
Kalifornijski zakon o 'gig' radnicima utječe na poslodavce unutar i izvan države
Časopis osiguranja
Kalifornijski zakon koji otežava tvrtkama da radnike tretiraju kao neovisne ugovaratelje stupa na snagu sljedeći tjedan, prisiljavajući mala poduzeća na
Companies are increasingly worried about what their employees say
The boundaries between people’s work and private lives are increasingly blurred
Facebook designed a tool that would let employers blacklist words like 'unionize' in employee chats
Poslovni Insider
Facebook designed a built-in feature for Workplace, the company’s office-communication product meant to compete with Slack and Microsoft Teams, that would let employers suppress workers’ discussions of unionization.
Is tech stratifying and automating our workforce beyond repair?
A recent Oxford study estimated that “47% of the jobs in developed nations will vanish in the next 25 years as a result of automation.” Reimagining our workforce, jobs and worker rights may be our only solution.