Plastics sector trends

Plastics sector trends

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Umbreyta plasthagkerfinu
YouTube - World Economic Forum
Horfðu á forstjóra PepsiCo og Coca-Cola ræða málefni plastúrgangs. Búist er við að magn plasts sem urðað er á urðunarstaði eða mengar umhverfið...
$2.5 trillion 'Holy Grail' found? Breakthrough discovery could lead to 100 percent recyclable plastics, scientists say
Fox News
Plastic pollution in the world's oceans may have a $2.5 trillion impact, negatively impacting  "almost all marine ecosystem services," including areas such as fisheries, recreation and heritage. But a breakthrough from scientists at Berkeley Lab could be the solution the planet needs for this eye-opening problem – recyclable plastics.
The plastics pipeline: A surge of new production is on the way
A world awash in plastic will soon see even more, as a host of new petrochemical plants — their ethane feedstock supplied by the fracking boom — come online. Major oil companies, facing the prospect of redu
„Stríð gegn plasti“ gæti strandað á 300 milljarða punda fjárfestingu olíuiðnaðarins
The Guardian
Stór olíufyrirtæki ætla að auka plastframboð til að vinna gegn áhrifum breytinga á jarðefnaeldsneyti
Bandarískur plastiðnaður setur sér 100 prósenta umbúðastefnu
Endurvinnsla í dag
ACC og meðlimir þess stefna að 100 prósent batahlutfalli fyrir árið 2040.
Indonesia has a plan to deal with its plastic waste problem
Við Forum
The Government of Indonesia wants to solve its plastic crisis for good and inspire others to follow suit. And it has become the first country to partner with the Global Plastic Action Partnership in order to do so.