supercomputer trends

Supercomputer trends

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Uppgötvun „heilagra grals“ með uppfinningu alhliða tölvuminni
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Upplýsingar sem tengjast uppgötvun „heilagra grals“ með uppfinningu á alhliða tölvuminni
IBM Q: The next level in supercomputing capability
Gold Fox News
IBM Q: The next level in supercomputing capability. IBM has just launched its Quantum computer program in Africa, announcing a partnership with South Africa’s Wits University that will extend to 15 universities across nine countries.
Japan er að smíða hröðustu ofurtölvu sem framleidd hefur verið
Japan is building the world's fastest supercomputer, which it hopes will make the country the new global hub for artificial intelligence research.
Kína er enn með hröðustu ofurtölvu heims en Bandaríkin vilja breyta því
The Department of Energy is granting six companies a total of $258 million to work on supercomputing technology.
Svissnesk ofurtölva kemur Bandaríkjunum úr efsta sæti
A hardware upgrade bumps the US to fourth place in the rankings of the world's biggest computers.
America just can’t match china’s exploding supercomputing power
MIT Tækni Review
If you want to crunch the world’s biggest problems, head east. According to a newly published ranking, not only is China home to the world’s two fastest supercomputers, it also has 202 of the world’s fastest 500 such devices—more than any other nation. Meanwhile, America’s fastest device limps into fifth place in the charts, and…
Næst hraðskreiðasta ofurtölva heims mun hjálpa til við að efla vaxandi sjávarafl Kína
South China Morning Press
Næst hraðskreiðasta ofurtölva heims mun hjálpa til við að efla vaxandi sjávarafl Kína
ESB afhjúpar ofurtölvuáætlun sem keppir við Kína
The Star
The EU unveiled plans to raise €1bil (RM4.81bil) to build superfast computers that catch up with China and others to boost Europe's economy, make medical advances and fight hacking.
Yfirmaður Microsoft: Heimurinn þarf meiri tölvuafl
The head of tech giant Microsoft says faster machines are needed to solve difficult computing problems.
Uppgangur ofurtölva: Japan leggur mikið upp úr skammtafræðirannsóknum
Asia Straits Times
Motoaki Saito, president of Tokyo supercomputing start-up Pezy Computing, is a man on a mission.. Read more at
Kína er að smíða ofurtölvu sem slær samkeppnina af velli
Kína afhjúpar Tianhe-2A, 2016 uppfærsluna í Tianhe 2, sem heldur uppi hefð sinni um að vera á toppi ofurtölvuheimsins og státa af allt að 100 petaflops af hraða.
Supercomputers: To Moore's Law and beyond
The writing's on the wall—Moore's Law is coming to an end. What does this mean for the future of supercomputing?
Crystal staflar upp qubitum í fyrstur inn fyrstur út minni
Photons store themselves in ions that bob up and down in a sea of light.
IBM's Power9 CPU could be game changer in servers and supercomputers with help from Google, Nvidia
Vélbúnaður Tom
Google's and Nvidia's commitment to OpenPower architecture may make IBM's Power9 an unexpected success in servers and supercomputers, starting next year.
Í kapphlaupi til að passa við vaxandi tölvukraft Kína, útlistar Bandaríkin hönnun fyrir exascale tölvu
Science Magazine
Nánast fullgerð Summit ofurtölva mun setja Bandaríkin aftur á toppinn - í bili
Bandaríkin fjármagna 400-600 milljónir dollara fyrir hverja af þremur ofurtölvum í stórum stíl sem á að afhenda árið 2022
Næsta stóra framtíð
Bandaríkin fjármagna 400-600 milljónir dollara fyrir hverja af þremur ofurtölvum í stórum stíl sem á að afhenda árið 2022
BNA tilkynnir um næsta CORAL ofurtölvuframtak, að verðmæti allt að $1.8B
HPC vír
WASHINGTON, DC - Orkumálaráðherra Bandaríkjanna, Rick Perry, tilkynnti í dag beiðni um tillögur (RFP), hugsanlega að verðmæti allt að 1.8 milljarða dollara, fyrir
Planned supercomputer would be 10 times faster than today's No 1
The National Supercomputing Center in Shenzhen plans to build a next-generation supercomputer that will be 10 times faster than the world's current speed champion, a senior executive said.
New silicon photonics will cut data center power by up to 50% and increase supercomputer speed
Næsta stóra framtíð
New silicon photonics will cut data center power by up to 50% and increase supercomputer speed
Nvidia mun útvega vélbúnað fyrir Leonardo, 10 exaflop ofurtölvu
Beat Venture
Nvidia tilkynnti að það muni útvega vélbúnað fyrir Leonardo, ofurtölvu sem getur náð 10 exaflops af tölvuframmistöðu.
High performance computing will be the next normal
Næsti vettvangur
High Performance Computing is traditionally focused on solving the most complex problems in science, engineering, and business. Weather forecasting, for
Supercomputers to reshape tech landscape
The Financial Times
Fréttir, greiningar og athugasemdir frá Financial Times, leiðandi alþjóðlegum viðskiptaútgáfu í heiminum
Perlmutter, said to be the world’s fastest AI supercomputer, comes online
Perlmutter, said to be the world's fastest AI supercomputer, comes online - SiliconANGLE
China has already reached exascale - on two separate systems
Næsti vettvangur
More analysis "Why Did China Keep Its Exascale Supercomputers Quiet?" Native CPU and accelerator architectures that have been in play on China's previous