Car sharing

Car sharing

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How Uber was killed by a clown car
Medium - Startup Grind
I have many friends that I respect who are working at Uber, Lyft, etc. They should leave. Their business is doomed long term. Here’s my 3 part argument: This isn’t science fiction. This isn’t 20…
Sumptus sociales equitantes grandiores esse possunt quam antea
Novum studium dicit obstructio ab exactoribus Uber et Lyft ad plures mortes in via ducens
Equitantes in coegiless taxi ad CES MMXIX "
marchionem Brownlee
A tergo sedes alicuius omnino auto-agitationis, exactoris taxi in Las Vegas ?Yandex project: Merch: http://shop.MKBHD.comVideo...
Why Turo, the 'airbnb for cars', is angering rental companies
Wall Street Journal
Turo lets individuals rent their personal vehicles. Some “hosts” are building businesses at airports that major car rental companies slam as unfair competiti...
Autonomous ridehailing could be more profitable than we had modeled
Foederis arca Obsido
ARK expects that a handful of autonomous ridehailing platforms will enjoy natural geographic monopolies and profit handsomely.