heart health innovation trends

Heart health innovation trends

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Processed foods are a much bigger health problem than we thought
They’ve been linked to disease and overeating. Could our microbiome explain why?
Injection could permanently lower cholesterol by changing DNA
New Scientist
Some people have mutations that greatly lower their cholesterol. Tests in mice suggest gene editing could give the rest of us the same protection
New cancer drug could help people with heart problems
STV News
Aberdeen University researchers made the discovery during pre-clinical trials.
B.C. doctor says Canadian-led heart valve surgery will ‘blow people’s minds’
The Globe and Mail
The procedure, called 3M transcatheter aortic valve replacement, is less invasive than open heart surgery
Drug 'melts away' fat inside arteries
University of Aberdeen
New drug has been shown to 'melt away' the fat inside arteries
“Reprogrammed” stem cells approved to mend human hearts in pilot study
Scientific American
Three patients in Japan will receive the experimental therapy in the next year 
Heart attack: Substitute muscle thanks to stem cells
University of Wuerzburg
Scientists of University of Würzburg have for the first time succeeded in generating beating cardiac muscle cells from special stem cells. They may provide a new approach for the treatment of heart attacks.
Tiny device is a ‘huge advance’ for treatment of severe heart failure
New York Times
A clip used to repair damaged heart valves sharply reduced deaths among patients with a grim prognosis.
Four-in-one pill prevents third of heart problems
The drug combination has huge potential and would cost just "pennies a day", say the researchers.
New ‘intelligent’ NHS health checks to be driven by predictive analytics
Digital Health
The Government has launched a review to explore how data and technology can deliver a new era of intelligent, predictive and personalised NHS health checks.