future being young and restless

Future of being young and restless

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Achinyamata okonda mafoni awo sali osungulumwa monga momwe mukuganizira
Achinyamata sangafunikire kuonana maso ndi maso mofanana ndi mibadwo yakale kuti amve kukhala ogwirizana. Ndipo izi zitha kufotokoza chifukwa chake kafukufuku apeza kuti sakusungulumwanso.
Nthawi ya kusakhutira kwathu
Pacific Standard
Kukhumudwa ndi ... pafupifupi chilichonse? Simuli nokha. Angst ili ndi dzina - Weltschmerz, kapena "ululu wa padziko lonse" m'Chijeremani - ndipo mbiri yake ingatiuze zambiri za chikhalidwe chathu chamakono cha kusagwirizana ndi tsogolo la America.
The truth about teens and privacy
Many teens feel as though they’re in a no-win situation when it comes to sharing information online: damned if they publish their personal thoughts to public spaces, and damned if they create private…
Pornography has changed the landscape of adolescence beyond all recognition
The Telegraph
As a study reveals a sharp rise in the number of schoolgirls at risk of emotional problems, Allison Pearson says we need to embolden our daughters to fight back against pornography - however embarrassing it may be
Momwe Esquire adapangira bachelor wamakono
The Awl
Wolemba Manisha Aggarwal-Schifellite Kumapeto kwa 1949, akonzi a magazini ya Esquire adasindikiza Esquire's Handbook for Hosts, yomwe idatchedwa "nthawi zonse, yodziwa zonse, yophatikiza zonse, buku lofotokoza za 'Idyani, Imwani, ndi Kukhala. Merry.'” Bukuli linaphatikizapo maphikidwe, malingaliro a zakumwa, ...
The quest to cure loneliness
Foursquare, Google Latitude and Facebook Nearby Friends failed to change the way we all meet up. That’s because intent, not location, is the most important thing when connecting people offline. If we want to meet up for food, coffee, drinks, the gym, a party or just to chill, it’s tough to know who else does too. […]
The teenagers of tomorrow will hang out in abandoned department stores
Sounds fun, actuallybut not for Sears, Macy's, and JCPenney.
In Japan, hundreds of thousands of young people are refusing to leave their homes
Technology is good at making us feel connected, even when in reality we feel hopelessly alone.
Millions of young people in U.S. and EU are neither working nor learning
Pew Research Center
More than six years after the Great Recession ended, almost 10.2 million teens and young adults in the U.S. are neither working nor in school.
Percentage of young Americans living with parents rises to 75-year high
The Wall Street Journal
Almost 40% of young Americans were living with their parents, siblings or other relatives in 2015, the largest percentage since 1940, an analysis showed.
Generation X inali ndi mwayi wokhala zigawenga, koma Zakachikwi ziyenera kukhala mabwalo onse
Mukudziwa Generation X. Omwe adasewera pasukulu yasekondale ndi malaya a flannel ndi nyimbo zokwiya panthawi ya bata lachuma. Omwe adatsutsa kukhazikitsidwa pomwe…
Kodi tiyenera kulingalira unyamata kukhala mpaka zaka 24?
Kuvomereza lingaliroli kungatanthauze kusintha ndondomeko zathu
Robots will eradicate teen jobs
The Next Web
Rumors of the demise of the human workforce have been exaggerated, but certain segments are still at risk. According to a recent study teens are most likely to lose out to automation. Say goodbye to your summer jobs.
Zomwe ana ayenera kuphunzira kuti apambane mu 2050
Anthu akukumana ndi zosintha zomwe sizinachitikepo. Kodi tingakonzekere bwanji ifeyo ndi ana athu kaamba ka dziko la masinthidwe osaneneka ndi osatsimikizirika?
Ovota achichepere a Trump ngati awa ndiye chinsinsi cha kupambana kwa 2020
Iwo amadziona ngati opanduka, akuima motsutsana ndi chikhalidwe chofooketsa chopita patsogolo. Kodi otsatira a Trump awa ali ndi makiyi a 2020?
Real time with Bill Maher: New rule - in defense of recklessness (HBO)
Nthawi Yeniyeni ndi Bill Maher
Subscribe to the Real Time YouTube: http://itsh.bo/10r5A1BIn his editorial New Rule, Bill Maher doffs his cap those who live life on the edge, without regard...
Unplugged | Experimental documentary
Unplugged is an experimental documentary examining how intimacy and community have been affected in an increasingly digital age. It begs the question - How d...