Будущее Интернета

Будущее Интернета


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The challenge of connecting the unconnected
Every time we return to or sign up for an Internet service (e.g. Facebook, Google, Gmail, YouTube, etc.), we rely on what UX experts call a "mental model" for navigating through the choices. A mental model is essentially a person's intuition of how something works based on past knowledge, similar experiences and common sense. So even when something is new, mental models help to make sense of it, u
India's ambitious optical fiber broadband network to bridge digital divide in rural areas
Construction has begun on India's multi-billion dollar high-speed broadband network. With plans to connect 600 million rural citizens, the optical fiber network will be the largest of its kind.
4G LTE rollout makes India the world’s next big smartphone market
Международный Бизнес таймс
American, Chinese and domestic phone makers target the subcontinent as carriers upgrade to high-speed networks.
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Broadband access rates by US county
Why your internet connection is slow wherever you are in Africa
Hint: There’s nothing wrong with Africa’s internet connections.
Спутниковые войны
Financial Times
Новая гонка вооружений в нашем небе угрожает спутникам, которые контролируют все — от безопасности до связи.
'Dig once' eyed for broadband expansion
The idea: require federally funded highway projects to include broadband pipes.
How a group of neighbors created their own Internet service
Powered by radios in trees, homegrown network serves 50 houses on Orcas Island.
Доклад: Индия обгонит США и станет вторым по величине интернет-рынком в мире
Согласно новому отчету Индийской ассоциации Интернета и мобильной связи (IAMAI), к концу этого года число интернет-пользователей в Индии превысит 400 миллионов человек, что сделает ее вторым по величине онлайн-населением в мире после Китая. и маркетинговые исследования IMRB.
India rises past the US to become the internet's second biggest user
There's only one set of presentation slides I look forward to every year, and that's Mary Meeker's annual Internet Trends report. In 2016, the highlight picked out by Meeker, partner at venture...
Google Fiber
Google Fiber
Stay connected. Stay in touch. Connect your home. Discover what you can do with Google Fiber gigabit internet.
New EU rules promise 100Mbps broadband and free Wi-Fi for all
Controversial copyright reform package also unveiled along with new "YouTube rule."
A faster internet: Terabit networking was just successfully tested
In a trial conducted by Nokia Bell Labs, Deutsche Telekom T-Labs and Technical Univeristy of Munich just achieved one terabyte transmission rate over fiber optics using realistic network conditions. The trials used a new modulation technique to make data transfer more efficient.
U.S.: SpaceX aims high with satellite internet project
The company is still a long way from realizing its plan to provide fast broadband service worldwide.
Why Google Fiber failed: 5 reasons
Tech Республика
The future is still uncertain for Google Fiber, but it's pretty clear that the first iteration of the search giant's internet service has fallen short. Here's why it struggled to gain traction.
Эти терабитные спутники принесут интернет в самые отдаленные места на Земле
Fast Company
Три новых ViaSat-3 обеспечат вдвое большую пропускную способность сети, чем все подключенные спутники в космосе.
Map: the world’s network of submarine cables
Submarine cables are decidedly uncool. But while they lack the flashiness of satellites, it's actually the world’s vast network of fiber optic cables that does most of the heavy lifting in keeping our information flowing from place to place.
Почему у 23 миллионов американцев нет быстрого интернета
Ютуб – Голос
Буферизация... Подпишитесь на наш канал! http://goo.gl/0bsAjO///Источники: Уведомление о расследовании FCC 2015 г.: https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-15-10A1.p...
Google is using light beam tech to connect rural India to the internet
Google is preparing to use light beams to bring rural areas of the planet online after it announced to a planned rollout in India. Alphabet’s X — the company formerly known as Google X — is working with a telecom operator in Indian state Andhra Pradesh, home to over 50 million people, to use Free Space Optical Communications […]
Китайская сеть квантовых ключей, крупнейшая из когда-либо существовавших, официально подключена к сети
Живая наука
The Chinese satellite Micius has once again shattered records, this time enabling practical quantum encryption between Beijing and Austria.
Квантовый интернет пришел (а его еще нет)
Networks that harness entanglement and teleportation could enable leaps in security, computing and science. Networks that harness entanglement and teleportation could enable leaps in security, computing and science.
Alphabet запустит интернет-шары Loon в небе Кении в 2019 году
Если все пойдет хорошо, отдаленные районы Кении получат Wi-Fi с неба.
4 Billion new minds online: the coming era of connectivity
Singularity Hub
As the population of online users doubles, we’re about to witness perhaps the most historic acceleration of technological innovation known to man.
'Twisted' fibre optic light breakthrough could make internet 100 times faster
The Guardian.
Researchers say they have developed tiny readers that can detect information in light spirals
Кто следующий миллиард пользователей и чего они хотят?
Entrepreneurs and tech executives are widening their gazes outside of developed nations for their next source of growth. Ubiquitous cheap phones and increasingly affordable phone plans such as Jio in India are helping another billion users join the internet. What do those users want though, and how are they the same and different than existing […]
The European Parliament has voted in favour of Article 13
Critics argued that Article 13, and related legislation passed today by MEPs, risked infringing on freedom of speech
Europe’s controversial overhaul of online copyright receives final approval
The European Parliament has voted in favor of the final text of the Copyright Directive, controversial new legislation that redefines copyright in Europe for the internet age. Articles 11 and 13 — the ‘link tax’ and ‘upload filter’ — were both approved by European politicians
Amazon запустит тысячи спутников для обеспечения интернета по всему миру
3,236 спутников обеспечат интернет с низкой околоземной орбиты
Super-fast internet from satellites is the next big thing in the space race
Adam Gilmour from Gilmour Space Technologies says private companies are looking to launch thousands of small satellites into space that can provide high-speed broadband anywhere on the planet.
How new satellites could change the internet
Wall Street Journal
The most reliable streaming providers have typically used cable to deliver content. But that’s all changing with the launch of new and better satellites that...
The future of data, technology and the Internet: Futurist speaker Gerd Leonhard
Герд Леонхард
Thanks to Incisive events for making this available. See more details about the event here: http://www.online-information.co.uk/static/programme-overviewMy...
Для этого есть блокчейн!
Именно так Интернет выглядел в 1994 году — прямо перед тем, как взорвался. Два десятилетия спустя начинает казаться, что мы находимся в похожем пороговом моменте. Наш новый претендент на Next Big…
Следующий интернет — это телевидение
I was talking to someone who works on one of those half-dozen or so apps that we tend to associate with teenagers: the ones that were built around some novel concept that distracted us for a few years while they ...
Добро пожаловать в ад: Apple против Google против Facebook и медленная смерть Интернета
So let's talk about ad blocking.
You might think the conversation about ad blocking is about the user experience of news, but what we're really talking about is money and power in Silicon Valley....
661Tbps through a single optical fiber: The mind boggles
Researchers stuff the world’s current fiber capacity into a single link.
Создание первого квантового интернета
Исследователи могут создать 30-мильную часть гораздо более безопасной системы связи.
Inside Europe’s quest to build an unhackable quantum internet
MIT Technology Review
The fast train from Paris to Rotterdam was an hour late leaving the Gare du Nord. When it finally deposited me in the Dutch city, I discovered that the onward train to Delft had been suspended because of maintenance work on the tracks. It took two circuitous bus journeys and a taxi ride before I…
30 лет спустя, что будет дальше с #ForTheWeb?
Один ноль
Сегодня, спустя 30 лет после моего первоначального предложения по системе управления информацией, половина мира подключена к Интернету. Это момент, чтобы отпраздновать то, как далеко мы продвинулись, но также и возможность поразмышлять о том, как…
20GBs per second 5G network to make debut in 2018 Winter Olympics
Android Сообщества
While some countries still struggle actually getting 3G or 4G connectivity from their service providers, apparently, the age of 5G is almost upon us. Well, that is, if you live in South Korea. A 12-man delegation from their Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning went to the meeting of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) […]
Будущее интернета в безопасности: инженеры преодолели лимит пропускной способности оптоволоконной передачи
Поскольку объем данных, передаваемых через Интернет, продолжает расти как на дрожжах, было много предположений относительно того, будут ли в конечном итоге исчерпаны возможности волоконно-оптических кабелей, которые составляют основу Интернета. Ну не бояться.
End of roaming charges: presidency strikes a deal with European Parliament
In the early hours of 30 June 2015, after 12 hours of negotiation, the Latvian presidency reached a provisional deal with the European Parliament on new rules to end mobile phone roaming fees and safeguard open internet access, also known as net neutrality rules.
New device provides secure and anonymous wi-fi with an incredible 2.5-mile range
Next month during the Def Con hacker conference in Las Vegas, security researcher Ben Caudill will unveil a potentially game changing device called a ProxyHam. Without question, the promise of ProxyHam should leave proponents of Internet privacy and anonymity beyond excited.
We’ve finally hit the breaking point for the original Internet
Washington Post
Behind the quiet Internet revolution you've never heard of
Google’s plan to bring free superfast wi-fi to the world has begun
Your prayers have been finally answered – that is, if you asked for Google to come to New York City with free Wi-Fi for all. Because that’s totally happening this year, and it's all part of Google’s grandiose plan to bring free Wi-Fi to the world.
How new 'white space' rules could lead to an urban super-Wi-Fi
Компьютерный мир
The underutilized UHF band is perfect for wireless data and can carry for miles, not blocked by walls or trees.
Li-Fi has just been tested in the real world, and it's 100 times faster than wi-fi
Предупреждение о науке

Expect to hear a whole lot more about Li-Fi - a wireless technology that transmits high-speed data using visible light communication (VLC) - in the coming months.
IBM’s drones will act as flying cell phone towers to improve cell phone connectivity
Патентный йог
Cell phone users do not like inadequate mobile device cellular phone coverage. However, cell phone companies find it difficult to optimize the spread of the cell phone towers as the number of customers registered to a particular cell varies throughout the day.                           …
The future of wi-fi is 10,000 times more energy efficient
Engineering students have discovered a way to reflect Wi-Fi packets instead of broadcasting them.
Wireless, super-fast internet access is coming to your home
MIT Technology Review
In the gleaming but quiet headquarters of a startup called Starry—above the din of Boston’s Downtown Crossing—40 engineers are toiling to achieve a disruptive vision: delivering Internet access to apartments and businesses, cheaply and wirelessly, nearly 100 times faster than the average home connection today. The idea of gigabit-per-second wireless service to homes has been…
Революция беспроводной связи 5G только началась с этого шага
Motely Fool
В недавней речи председатель FCC, вероятно, положил начало движению 5G, но пройдет некоторое время, прежде чем AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile или Sprint предоставят эту услугу потребителям.
Подготовка к 5G
Preparing For 5G The fifth generation of wireless communications technology is proceeding without established standards and a lack of global consensus on spectrum use.
Qualcomm says 5G is the biggest thing since electricity
Your next wireless boost is about more than faster movie-streaming. Qualcomm is buzzing about 5G as the key to our future connectivity.
What is 5G? The next-generation network explained
Цифровые тенденции
What is 5G? The next-gen mobile network is here and we've gathered everything you need to know about the technology and 5G coverage.
China’s chance to lead global innovation may lie with 5G mobile technology development
Утренняя пресса Южного Китая
China’s chance to lead global innovation may lie with 5G mobile technology development
Australia announces 5G strategy
Immediate actions under the Australian government's 5G directions paper include actively contributing to international standardisation efforts, making spectrum available, and modernising telco regulations.
Будьте готовы к «неограниченным данным» сетей 5G в 2019 году
Сети следующего поколения будут обладать огромной пропускной способностью, поэтому ваш телефон сможет обрабатывать данные даже в условиях большого скопления людей. Однако помощи беспилотным автомобилям придется подождать дольше.
Что такое 5G?
Ютуб – CNBC
5G — это новая, более быстрая сеть, способная полностью преобразовать Интернет. Так что же делает его таким революционным? Том Читти из CNBC объясняет. -----Подробнее...
With 5G still in the works, 6G is already taking shape
PC Magazine
5G hasn't launched yet, but Finland's University of Oulu just convened a research group about 6G wireless. Here's what they're thinking.
100 times faster broadband is coming: 5G passes first test for indoor coverage at University of Sussex
Sussex U
Initial testing on the next generation of mobile technology with the capability of delivering 100 times faster broadband has been successful.
What the arrest of Huawei's CFO means for the U.S.-China trade war
The arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou for suspected sanctions violations at Washington's request complicates Beijing's ability to engage in trade talks, given the company's critical importance to the Chinese economy.
Your 5G phone won't hurt you. But Russia wants you to think otherwise
The New York Times
RT America, a network known for sowing disinformation, has a new alarm: the coming ‘5G Apocalypse.’
Accelerating 5G vRAN: The Case for GPUs
Ericsson has been prototyping designs for a virtualized NR baseband distributed unit using COTS hardware incorporating acceleration using GPUs.
Yaaas, Mary Meeker’s internet trends report 2019 is out!
Sand Hill Road
It’s that time of the year again: Mary Meeker, the “queen of the internet”???, has done her analysis ??‍♀️ and her legendary Internet Trends Report is out for 2019! This time it comes in at 333…
The secrets of controlling your internet profile
Banksy reckoned we would all be anonymous for 15 minutes, but is this even possible?
Города Флориды становятся умнее благодаря «Интернету вещей»
Инновационный коридор Бэй-стрит в Джексонвилле, штат Флорида, — это всего лишь «чашка Петри», в которой штат может протестировать «Интернет вещей» в повседневной жизни. Но это также хорошее представление о том, как может выглядеть будущее Флориды.