new material discovery and application trends

New material discovery and application trends

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This breakthrough shape-memory metal practically never wears out
مشهور ميزيڪل
A new shape memory material stays strong even after tens of millions of transformations. It may finally pave way for widespread usage of the futuristic materials.
مستقبل جي مواد - ڌاتو فوم، شفاف ايلومينيم - هاڻي هڪ حقيقت آهي
مارڪيٽ ڏسو
هن قسم جي ٽيڪنيڪي واڌارن کي سمارٽ فونز گونگا نظر اچن ٿا، لکي ٿو جوريڪا دوجمووڪ.
Chinese scientists’ new ‘super-strong foam’ could form lightweight tank and troop armour
ايس ايم ايس پي
Chinese scientists’ new ‘super-strong foam’ could form lightweight tank and troop armour
New substance is harder than diamond, scientists say
دوران New York Times
Researchers said they have developed a technique for creating a substance they are calling Q-carbon, which could have uses in medicine and industry.
First direct proof of stable carbyne, the world’s strongest material
Scientists have managed to develop a novel method to grow stable, ultra-long 1D carbon chains of a material that is twice as strong as carbon nanotubes and far stronger than diamonds.
Move aside carbon: Boron nitride-reinforced materials are even stronger
سائنس ڏهاڙي
When mixed with lightweight polymers, tiny carbon tubes reinforce the material, promising lightweight and strong materials for airplanes, spaceships, cars and even sports equipment. While such carbon nanotube-polymer nanocomposites have attracted enormous interest from the materials research community, a group of scientists now has evidence that a different nanotube -- made from boron nitride -- c
Scientists create the superman of metals
The material could revolutionize production of automobiles, airplanes and spacecraft.
3d-printed wonder ceramics are flawless and super-strong
مشهور ميزيڪل
"You're left with a virtually flawless ceramic."
New alloy 'four times harder than titanium'
بي بي سي
A super-hard metal is made in the laboratory by melting together titanium and gold.
Towards the T-1000: Liquid metals propel future electronics
سائنس ڏهاڙي
How can we move beyond solid state electronics towards flexible soft circuit systems? New self-propelling liquid metals could be the answer. The advance opens the potential for creating makeshift and floating electronics, bringing science fiction - like the shape-shifting liquid metal T-1000 Terminator - one step closer to real life.
The pressure is on to make metallic hydrogen
سائنس نيوز
Scientists are getting close to turning hydrogen into a metal — both in liquid form and maybe even solid form. The rewards, if they pull it off, are worth the effort.
New ceramic is resistant to temperature extremes
يو ايس آء
Scientists in Russia are currently perfecting a new type of ceramic that can withstand temperatures of more than 3,000 degrees Celsius.
بريڪ تھرو مواد co2 کي صاف سڙيندڙ ايندھن ۾ تبديل ڪرڻ جو بھتر طريقو آھي
مشهور ميزيڪل
"اسان کي صرف هن قسم جي بنيادي ڪاميابين جي ضرورت آهي."
The superconductor of the future may be this self-assembling plastic
مشهور ميزيڪل
New research from Cornell University brings the worlds of soft-materials science with futuristic physics. 
هائيڊروجن ڪيميا جي شاندار عمل ۾ ڌاتو ۾ تبديل ٿي وئي جيڪا ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ خلائي پرواز ۾ انقلاب آڻي سگهي ٿي
جڏهن ته آزاد
’هي ڌرتيءَ تي دھاتي هائيڊروجن جو پهريون نمونو آهي، تنهن ڪري جڏهن توهان ان کي ڏسي رهيا آهيو ته توهان اهڙي شيءِ کي ڏسي رهيا آهيو، جيڪا اڳي ڪڏهن به موجود نه هئي.
Sponge can soak up and release spilled oil hundreds of times
نيو سائنسدان
A new foam material could be the first good reusable method to recover spilled oil, and would be much better for the environment
Computers create recipe for two new magnetic materials
دائي يونيورسٽي
Supercomputer-generated recipes yield two new kinds of magnets
هي نئون مواد فون ۽ برقي ڪارن کي سيڪنڊن ۾ چارج ڏئي سگهي ٿو
سائنس جي خبر

روڪڻ لاءِ وقت ڳولڻ، پلگ ان ۽ ريچارج ٿيڻ تاريخ بڻجي سگهي ٿي، سائنسدانن هڪ نئين اليڪٽروڊ ڊيزائن ٺاهي آهي جيڪا بيٽرين کي ڪلاڪن بدران سيڪنڊن ۾ چارج ڪري سگهي ٿي.
Researchers design 'smart' surfaces to repel everything but targeted beneficial exceptions
New surfaces create promise of safer implants, more accurate diagnostic tests.
نئون مواد، ڪارو چاندي، دريافت ڪيو
سائنس ڏهاڙي
محقق هڪ نئون مواد دريافت ڪيو آهي جيڪو انتهائي حساس بايوموليڪيول ڊيڪٽرز ۽ وڌيڪ موثر شمسي سيلز جي اڳواڻي ڪري سگهي ٿو.
Chinese scientists turn copper into ‘gold’
ڏکڻ چين صبح پوسٽ
Process in which copper is blasted with argon gas creates particles with similar properties to gold, with the resulting material having the potential to reduce use of precious metals in manufacturing.
‘Metallic wood’ at Penn is as strong as titanium but lighter than water
پڇا ڳاڇا ڪندڙ
Under a microscope, the substance looks like a honeycomb. It could be used to make high-tech batteries and ultra-light cases for electronics equipment.
روسي محقق سڀ کان وڌيڪ شاندار دريافت ۾ اچن ٿا
روسي محققن هاڻي هڪ شاندار جدت ايجاد ڪئي آهي جيڪا ڪنهن به عنصر کي ٻئي ۾ تبديل ڪري سگهي ٿي.
نئين دھاتي شيشي جو مواد پيدا ڪيو ويو آهي ان کي نيوڪلئي جي ڪٽڻ سان
نيو ائٽلس
ڌاتو گلاس هڪ اڀرندڙ قسم جو مواد آهي، تنهنڪري ان جا راز اڃا تائين دريافت ڪيا پيا وڃن. شين سان ڪم ڪرڻ دوران، يلي محققن جي هڪ ٽيم هڪ نئين قسم جي دھاتي شيشي ٺاهي، نمونن کي نانوسڪيل تائين گھٽائيندي جيستائين اهو هڪ منفرد ڪرسٽل مرحلو بڻجي ٿو.
مستقبل جو جهنگلي نئون مواد AI سان دريافت ڪيو ويندو
انفراديت جو مرڪز
مادي سائنس ڪڏهن ڪڏهن غير معمولي آهي پر گهڻو ڪري ڏکوئيندڙ. جديد مشين سکيا جا اوزار سائنسدانن کي AI سان دريافت جي عمل کي تيز ڪرڻ جو هڪ طريقو پيش ڪري رهيا آهن.
Now you see it: Invisibility material created by UCI engineers
يو سي آء
Based on fictional dinosaurs and squid, technology could protect soldiers and structures
Advanced Metamaterials
اسحاق آرٿر
A look at revolutionary new materials with seemingly impossible properties. Start protecting your internet experience today with 77% off a 3 year plan by usi...
‘Everything-repellent’ coating could kidproof phones, homes
يونيورسٽي ميڊيڪل
'Everything-repellent' coating could kidproof phones, homes
Ultralarge elastic deformation of nanoscale diamond
If you manage to deform a diamond, it usually means you have broken it. Diamonds have very high hardness, but they do not deform elastically. This limits their usefulness for some applications. However, Banerjee et al. discovered that diamond nanoneedles can deform elastically after all (see the Perspective by LLorca). The key was in their small size (300 nm), which allowed for very smooth-surface
How AI is helping us discover materials faster than ever
ڪجهه پرايو
Scientists are using artificial intelligence to speed up the process to find new materials. Recently, researchers at Northwestern University used AI to discover how to make new metal-glass hybrids 200 times faster than they would have doing experiments.
We taught an AI to synthesize materials
ٻه منٽ پيپر
The paper "Gaussian Material Synthesis" and its source code is available here: Patre...
A graphene aerogel is 99.8% air and as strong as steel
Scientists are perfecting a near indestructible gel made of mostly air with applications in everything from fashion to the far reaches of space.
New alloy is 100 times more durable than high-strength steel
مستقبل جي ٽائم لائن - سائنس ۽ ٽيڪنالاجي جي دنيا ۾ تازيون خبرون ۽ ڪاميابيون
Chinese scientists develop shape-shifting robot inspired by T-1000 from Terminator
ڏکڻ چين صبح پوسٽ
Chinese scientists develop shape-shifting robot inspired by T-1000 from Terminator
Mind over matter: Artificial intelligence can slash the time needed to develop new materials
Our ability to discover and master new materials drives scientific and economic progress. Now the convergence of Artificial Intelligence and materials science can make this progress a lot faster.
Scientists invented a new material that gets thicker as you stretch it
Most of us think we have a pretty solid grasp on basic physics, and one of the assumptions we've come to form is that any material gets thinner as it's stretched.
The world’s seafloor is rapidly dissolving, here’s why
Climate change doesn’t just hit our atmosphere, it’s also making parts of our ocean floor disappear. How Seeker Will Collect The Most Extensive Data Set of t...
Nanomaterials are changing the world – but we still don’t have adequate safety tests for them
Nanotechnology and materials are the source of countless innovations, but we don't accurately know how they are affecting humans and the environment.
Sorry, graphene—borophene is the new wonder material that’s got everyone excited
ٽيڪنالاجي نظرثاني
Not so long ago, graphene was the great new wonder material. A super-strong, atom-thick sheet of carbon “chicken wire,” it can form tubes, balls, and other curious shapes. And because it conducts electricity, materials scientists raised the prospect of a new era of graphene-based computer processing and a lucrative graphene chip industry to boot. The…
Next-gen reinforced concrete is said to be lighter and more eco-friendly
نيو ائٽلس
Concrete is a mix of cement, an aggregate such as gravel, and water. For added strength, steel fibers are often added. Now, scientists are claiming that a new type of fiber-reinforced concrete could soon serve as a lighter and greener alternative.
The next graphene? Shiny and magnetic, a new form of pure carbon dazzles with potential
سائنس رسالو
U-carbon could be used in lightweight coatings, medical products, and novel electronic devices
ڇا اسان قيمتي عناصر کان ٻاهر نڪري رهيا آهيون؟
شاهي ادارو
ڪيميائي عناصر اسان جي جديد ٽيڪنالاجي ۽ حتي زندگيءَ جي ابتدا لاءِ لازمي آهن - پر ڇا ٿيندو جيڪڏهن اسان انهن مان ڀڄي وڃون ها؟ رڪنيت حاصل ڪريو...
3 major materials science breakthroughs—and why they matter for the future
سنگ ميل
Far beyond devices and circuitry, materials science stands at the center of innumerable breakthroughs across energy, future cities, transit, and medicine.
اڳ ۾ نه ڏٺي معدنيات جو هڪ ڌماڪو اسان جي نئين جيولوجيڪل دور جي صبح جو نشان لڳائي سگهي ٿو
سائنس جي خبر

سائنسدانن اسان جي ڌرتيءَ جي مٿاڇري تي معدني تنوع جي اوچتو ڌماڪي جي نشاندهي ڪئي آهي جيڪا موجود نه هجي ها جيڪڏهن اهو انسانن لاءِ نه هجي ها، ان دليل کي وزن وڌايو ته اسان هڪ نئين جيولوجيڪل دور ۾ رهون ٿا - اينٿروپوسين.
گرافين جي مٿان منتقل ڪريو؟ هتي بوروفين اچي ٿو.
حقيقي صاف سائنس
2004 ۾، مانچسٽر يونيورسٽي جي محققن گرافين کي الڳ ڪيو ۽ خاص ڪيو. ڪاربان جو هڪ لڳ ڀڳ فليٽ، هڪ ائٽم-موٽو ڪرسٽل شڪل، 2D
مواد جي دريافت کي سپرچارج ڪرڻ لاءِ اسان کي AI، ڪوانٽم ۽ سپر ڪمپيوٽر استعمال ڪرڻ گهرجن
آئي بي ايم ريسرچ جي ڊائريڪٽر ڊاريو گل جو چوڻ آهي ته ٽيڪنالاجي ترقي اسان کي دنيا جي ڪجهه وڏن مسئلن کي منهن ڏيڻ ۾ مدد ڪندي، پر صرف جيڪڏهن سماج سائنسي تحقيق کي اوليت ڏئي.