train transport innovation trends

Train transport innovation trends

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Germany unveils zero-emissions train that only emits steam
The world's first 'hydrail' can travel almost 500 miles per day at speeds of up to 87mph
Теретни воз без машиновође је корак ближе потпуно аутономном железничком систему
Рио Тинто се клади на регион Пилбара у Западној Аустралији, са првом на свету потпуно аутономном мрежом за тешке транспорте великих раздаљина.
Rail travel to enter new steam age as diesel trains to be converted to run on hydrogen
RAIL travel is set to enter a new steam age with up to 100 diesel trains to be converted to run on eco-friendly hydrogen. The fleet, which could be on the network in three years, will have the same speed and range as diesel trains but will be almost silent with their only emissions being water released as puffs of steam.
Japan’s latest bullet train begins trial runs that will see it reach 248 mph
Дигитал Трендс
Japan has begun testing its next-generation bullet train in trial runs that will see it reach speeds of 248 mph. It’s surely its coolest design to date, too, with the 22-meter-long nose on its front car guaranteed to turn heads.
Елон Муск сматра да је брзи воз у Калифорнији смешан
Фок Бусинесс
Суоснивач компаније Орацле Лари Елисон о утицају технологије на здравствену заштиту, будућности вештачке интелигенције, аутономних возила, плановима Калифорније за брзи воз и ...
Are hydrogen trains the future of UK travel?
Trains that emit pure water could be in the UK by the "early 2020s", according to the government.
Аутономна возила ће убити брзу железницу
Вашингтон испитивач
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Зашто је Кина тако добра у изградњи железнице
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Hydrogen trains are coming – can they get rid of diesel for good?
La conversación
Fuel cells are being touted as an alternative to costly electrification – but no one knows if they'll really be cheaper.
Japanese railway company starts testing 249mph bullet train speeds
Alfa-X slated for service in 2030, leaving room for another high-speed rail to catch up.
Super fast! China unveils high-speed maglev train prototype
News China TV
Fast as wind! China unveils the prototype of a high-speed maglev train which could be capable of speeds of up to 600 km/h.
Shanghai Maglev train review - The fastest train in the world at 431km/h (268mph)
In April of 2019, I spent ten incredible days exploring the cities of Shanghai, Suzhou, and Hangzhou in China. It was my second trip to China in four years –...
China’s experimental Maglev train could give hyperloop a run for its money
The new trains would reach speeds of more than 620 mph.
Flight shaming sees record number choose train over plane to get from London to Glasgow, Virgin announces
Record numbers of people are taking trains over planes to get from London to Scotland as a "flight shaming" movement urges travellers to cut their carbon footprint.
This Train Uses a Rail-Less Passenger System Connected by Electromagnetic Portals and Goes 804km/h
Интересантни инжењеринг
The new rail-less passenger system could give Elon Musk's Hyperloop a run for its money.
Solar-powered trains could make rail transport greener
Solar panels are connected directly to the line