india predictions for 2021

Read 10 predictions about India in 2021, a year that will see this country experience significant change in its politics, economics, technology, culture, and environment. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

International relations predictions for India in 2021

International relations predictions to impact India in 2021 include:

Politics predictions for India in 2021

Politics related predictions to impact India in 2021 include:

Government predictions for India in 2021

Government related predictions to impact India in 2021 include:

Economy predictions for India in 2021

Economy related predictions to impact India in 2021 include:

  • Indian Railways hire 400,000 people from economically weak areas after the Parliament passes an amendment mandating that 10% of hiring should come from these areas. Likelihood: 90%Link
  • India's sanitation economy almost doubles from $32 million in 2017 to $62 million. Likelihood: 90%Link
  • India’s sanitation economy to double by 2021.Link

Technology predictions for India in 2021

Technology related predictions to impact India in 2021 include:

  • Indians use a mobile app to submit census data for the first time. Likelihood: 90%Link
  • 5G-enabled devices are now affordable for the 400 million Indians still using feature phones - phones with a button-based input and small display yet capable of taking photos, acting as a portable media player, and accessing the internet. Likelihood: 80%Link
  • Over 500 million people access the internet using Indian languages, a growth rate of 18% since 2017. The number of English speakers has grown by just 3%. Likelihood: 90%Link

Culture predictions for India in 2021

Culture related predictions to impact India in 2021 include:

Defense predictions for in 2021

Defense related predictions to impact India in 2021 include:

  • The Indian Navy gets its first aircraft carrier made in India, joining its other aircraft carrier built in Russia. Likelihood: 90%Link

Infrastructure predictions for India in 2021

Infrastructure related predictions to impact India in 2021 include:

  • India begins rollout of infrastructure for 5G internet connectivity. (Likelihood 80%)Link

Environment predictions for India in 2021

Environment related predictions to impact India in 2021 include:

  • India reaches a significant climate change milestone due to a strong alliance with France; 40% of India's power capacity now relies on non-fossil fuel sources. Likelihood: 90%Link
  • Indian Railways, the nation's highest energy consumer, builds a 500 solar megawatt rooftop solar plants. Likelihood: 80%Link

Science predictions for India in 2021

Science related predictions to impact India in 2021 include:

Health predictions for India in 2021

Health related predictions to impact India in 2021 include:

More predictions from 2021

Read the top global predictions from 2021 - click here

Next scheduled update for this resource page

January 7, 2022. Last updated January 7, 2020.


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