netherlands predictions for 2040

Read 7 predictions about Netherlands in 2040, a year that will see this country experience significant change in its politics, economics, technology, culture, and environment. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

International relations predictions for Netherlands in 2040

International relations predictions to impact Netherlands in 2040 include:

Politics predictions for Netherlands in 2040

Politics related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2040 include:

Government predictions for Netherlands in 2040

Government related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2040 include:

Economy predictions for Netherlands in 2040

Economy related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2040 include:

  • The first green state bond by the Dutch finance ministry matures this year. Likelihood: 60%1

Technology predictions for Netherlands in 2040

Technology related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2040 include:

Culture predictions for Netherlands in 2040

Culture related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2040 include:

  • The proportion of the Dutch population aged 65 and older increases to 24 percent, up from 18 percent in 2017. Likelihood: 70%1

Defense predictions for in 2040

Defense related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2040 include:

Infrastructure predictions for Netherlands in 2040

Infrastructure related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2040 include:

  • The Netherlands needs a total of 261,000 nursing home beds this year to reach its current demand, which is twice as much as was needed in 2019. Likelihood: 75%1
  • This year, trains connect nine major Dutch cities every 10 minutes. Likelihood: 75%1

Environment predictions for Netherlands in 2040

Environment related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2040 include:

  • Dutch offshore wind farms expand to 10 GW of energy capacity by this year. Likelihood: 70%1
  • Groningen Seaports have teamed up with the energy giant, Royal Dutch Shell, to produce 800,000 tonnes of green hydrogen by this year, in the north of the Netherlands. Likelihood: 70%1

Science predictions for Netherlands in 2040

Science related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2040 include:

Health predictions for Netherlands in 2040

Health related predictions to impact Netherlands in 2040 include:

  • Dementia is now the leading cause of death for people in the Netherlands. Likelihood: 60%1

More predictions from 2040

Read the top global predictions from 2040 - click here

Next scheduled update for this resource page

January 7, 2022. Last updated January 7, 2020.


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