sweden predictions for 2030

Read 11 predictions about Sweden in 2030, a year that will see this country experience significant change in its politics, economics, technology, culture, and environment. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

International relations predictions for Sweden in 2030

International relations predictions to impact Sweden in 2030 include:

Politics predictions for Sweden in 2030

Politics related predictions to impact Sweden in 2030 include:

Government predictions for Sweden in 2030

Government related predictions to impact Sweden in 2030 include:

  • Sweden bans sales of fossil-fuel-powered cars by this year. Likelihood: 100 PercentLink

Economy predictions for Sweden in 2030

Economy related predictions to impact Sweden in 2030 include:

Technology predictions for Sweden in 2030

Technology related predictions to impact Sweden in 2030 include:

Culture predictions for Sweden in 2030

Culture related predictions to impact Sweden in 2030 include:

  • Sweden becomes a cashless society by this year. Likelihood: 65 PercentLink
  • The Gothenburg labor market expands to 1.75 million inhabitants this year, up from 1.17 million living in the area in 2019. Likelihood: 75 PercentLink

Defense predictions for in 2030

Defense related predictions to impact Sweden in 2030 include:

Infrastructure predictions for Sweden in 2030

Infrastructure related predictions to impact Sweden in 2030 include:

  • H2 Green Steel's largest green steel plant starts producing five million tons of high-quality zero-emissions steel annually. Likelihood: 65 percentLink
  • By this year, Sweden increases renewable energy production by 18 TWh on top of 28.4 terawatt-hours (TWh) in 2020. Likelihood: 75 PercentLink
  • The 20-kilometer underground motorway bypass underneath the Swedish capital, linking northern Stockholm to southern Stockholm, is ready for traffic this year, at the cost of 37.7 billion kronor. Likelihood: 90 PercentLink
  • Renewable energy generation in Sweden (excluding hydropower) doubles its capacity to reach 30.4 GW this year, up from 14.8 GW in 2019. Likelihood: 80 PercentLink
  • Sweden's solar PV capacity increases to 3.1 GW this year, up from 477 MW in 2018. Likelihood: 80 PercentLink
  • Sweden's onshore wind power accounts for 35 percent this year, increasing from 17 percent of total installed capacity in 2018. Likelihood: 80 PercentLink
  • The contribution of offshore capacity increases at a whopping 15 percent CAGR to reach 873MW this year, up from 191MW in 2019. Likelihood: 80 PercentLink

Environment predictions for Sweden in 2030

Environment related predictions to impact Sweden in 2030 include:

  • The Swedish capital, Stockholm, is powered entirely by renewable or recycled energy by this year. Likelihood: 80 PercentLink

Science predictions for Sweden in 2030

Science related predictions to impact Sweden in 2030 include:

Health predictions for Sweden in 2030

Health related predictions to impact Sweden in 2030 include:

More predictions from 2030

Read the top global predictions from 2030 - click here

Next scheduled update for this resource page

January 7, 2022. Last updated January 7, 2020.


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