United Kingdom predictions for 2050

Read 12 predictions about the United Kingdom in 2050, a year that will see this country experience significant change in its politics, economics, technology, culture, and environment. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

International relations predictions for the United Kingdom in 2050

International relations predictions to impact the United Kingdom in 2050 include:

Politics predictions for the United Kingdom in 2050

Politics related predictions to impact the United Kingdom in 2050 include:

Government predictions for the United Kingdom in 2050

Government related predictions to impact the United Kingdom in 2050 include:

Economy predictions for the United Kingdom in 2050

Economy related predictions to impact the United Kingdom in 2050 include:

Technology predictions for the United Kingdom in 2050

Technology related predictions to impact the United Kingdom in 2050 include:

Culture predictions for the United Kingdom in 2050

Culture related predictions to impact the United Kingdom in 2050 include:

Defense predictions for in 2050

Defense related predictions to impact the United Kingdom in 2050 include:

Infrastructure predictions for the United Kingdom in 2050

Infrastructure related predictions to impact the United Kingdom in 2050 include:

  • The UK now has 360 geothermal plants that produce 15,000 gigawatts yearly thanks to a large pool of deep geothermal energy, particularly in County Durham, Hartlepool, and Middlesbrough. Likelihood: 65 percent.Link
  • Demand for electric heating sources is up to 100 terawatt-hours a year, which is more than triple the amount it was in 2019. Likelihood: 60%Link
  • Hydrogen power is now used to heat over 11 million homes across the UK. Likelihood: 50%Link

Environment predictions for the United Kingdom in 2050

Environment related predictions to impact the United Kingdom in 2050 include:

  • Many catchments across the UK will need to manage water deficits and competing demands for water for public supply, industry, agriculture, and the environment. Likelihood: 50 percentLink
  • The UK’s ambitious plan to get to zero carbon emissions is behind schedule. Likelihood: 50%Link
  • Hotter, drier summers and unpredictable rainfalls have led to water deficits in many parts of the country, hitting the Southeast UK the hardest. Likelihood: 50%Link
  • Green gas, produced from biomethane, is 100% renewable and now used by 10 million homes in the UK. Likelihood: 40%Link
  • Millions living in London and other low-lying areas across the country without adequate sea defenses continue to face flood risks. Likelihood: 70%Link
  • Scotland has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 90% compared to 2018 levels. Likelihood: 30%Link
  • The summer season is now powered entirely by renewable energy sources. Gas power is still needed to fill the gaps in the winter. Likelihood: 50%Link

Science predictions for the United Kingdom in 2050

Science related predictions to impact the United Kingdom in 2050 include:

Health predictions for the United Kingdom in 2050

Health related predictions to impact the United Kingdom in 2050 include:

  • Southampton has smoked its last cigarette, and now the UK is a smoke-free country. Likelihood: 30%Link
  • UK taskforce tackling access to sanitary products has led the way in ending menstruation poverty in Britain and across the world. Likelihood: 30%Link

More predictions from 2050

Read the top global predictions from 2050 - click here

Next scheduled update for this resource page

January 7, 2022. Last updated January 7, 2020.


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