robotics manufacturing industry trends

Robotics manufacturing industry trends

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The way Americans think about blue-collar manufacturing work is a bigger threat than robots
Many Americans think manufacturing jobs are "something other people's kids do." Only 30% of Americans want to work in manufacturing, a problem that Snap-On CEO Nick Pinchuk says is a bigger threat right now than robots.
Walmart's robots don't appear to be going over so great with all of its workers
Retail giants are increasingly turning over jobs and tasks performed in the past by human workers to a growing workforce of robots. A new report on this automation of jobs by Walmart says it’s led to a greater sense of tedium and unease among some human employees, even as the company insists that its robots are meant to benefit them.
How robotic blacksmithing could change manufacturing forever
Popular Mechanics
Following CNC machining and additive manufacturing, metamorphic manufacturing will represent the third wave of digital manufacturing.
New in 2020: a new robotic mule is headed to help carry the load for grunts
Army Times
The SMET is built to run for 60 miles on a 72-hour mission.
Dying coral reefs are being saved by automation
A team of researchers is developing a solution using robotics and manufacturing techniques to help grow a million new corals each year.