Soft robotics: Robotics that mimic the natural world

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Soft robotics: Robotics that mimic the natural world

Soft robotics: Robotics that mimic the natural world

Subheading text
Over the past few years, soft robots have provided various industries with novel ways to automate and develop.
    • Author:
    • Author name
      Quantumrun Foresight
    • February 15, 2022

    Insight summary

    Soft robotics uses flexible materials to create robots that can adapt and respond to their environment, much like living organisms. This technology, which includes the use of "shape-memory" materials, opens up a wide range of applications across various industries, from healthcare and construction to defense and beyond. However, the rise of soft robotics also brings with it a host of implications, including potential shifts in labor markets, increased energy consumption, changes in education, and the need for new regulations and standards.

    Soft robotics context

    Soft robotics aims to create robots that mimic the behavior of living organisms, including the ability to adapt to their environment, much like how a plant turns towards the sun or an octopus changes its shape to navigate through narrow spaces. The key to this technology lies in the use of soft materials, such as polymers, fluids, and gels. These materials allow the robots to twist, bend, and flex, enabling them to navigate through tight spaces that would be inaccessible to traditional rigid robots.

    Researchers are also exploring the use of "shape-memory" materials in the construction of soft robots. These materials, which include substances like liquid crystal elastomers and nickel-titanium alloys, have the unique ability to change their shape and stiffness in response to stimuli, such as heat or electrical currents. These features provide a level of adaptability previously unseen in the field of robotics.

    The potential applications of soft robotics span numerous industries. For instance, in the healthcare sector, they could be used to perform delicate surgical procedures or assist in patient rehabilitation. In the construction industry, they could navigate through complex structures to perform inspections or repairs. In defense, they could be used for reconnaissance or search and rescue missions in challenging terrains. The market potential for this technology is significant, potentially reaching USD $2.16 billion by 2024. 

    Disruptive impact

    The ability of these robots to mimic human movements could transform the way physical therapy is delivered. Imagine a soft robot assisting a patient in regaining mobility after a stroke, gently guiding their movements in a way that is both safe and effective. Furthermore, the self-healing feature of these robots could lead to longer-lasting medical devices, reducing the need for frequent replacements and lowering healthcare costs.

    In the food industry, these robots could handle delicate items, such as fruits or baked goods, improving efficiency and reducing waste. Similarly, in the manufacturing sector, soft robots could be used to handle fragile components, reducing the risk of damage and improving product quality. The ability of these robots to lift many times their own weight also opens up possibilities for heavy-duty tasks that were previously challenging for traditional robots.

    For governments, the potential of soft robotics in defense and disaster response is significant. Their life-like movements could be used in surveillance operations, blending in with the environment more effectively than traditional robots. These machines could also prove to be useful in space exploration, where conditions are extreme and unpredictable.

    Implications of soft robotics

    Wider implications of soft robotics may include:

    • Their use in search and rescue operations where soft robots designed to mimic the form of snakes can slither through building debris or collapsed caves to locate survivors. 
    • Assisting patients who suffer from neurological or physical disorders.
    • Enhancing minimally invasive surgeries as surgical tools that employ soft robots can enter and operate inside human bodies with less risk of injuries. 
    • Accelerating building construction and enabling new building shape possibilities, as soft construction robots can support bricklaying and industrial 3D printing.  
    • New opportunities in robot maintenance and programming.
    • An increase in energy consumption due to the operation of these machines, requiring a greater focus on renewable energy sources to meet this demand.
    • A greater emphasis on robotics and programming in school curriculums to prepare the next generation for a world where interaction with robots is commonplace.
    • New regulations and standards as governments grapple with the challenge of ensuring safety and ethical use of these machines without stifling technological progress.

    Questions to consider

    • What types of human labor do you think soft robots can help to augment or automate in the near future?
    • What other applications of soft robotics can you think of?

    Insight references

    The following popular and institutional links were referenced for this insight:

    Digital Engineering Robots Are Going Soft