United States predictions for 2040

Read 17 predictions about the United States in 2040, a year that will see this country experience significant change in its politics, economics, technology, culture, and environment. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

International relations predictions for the United States in 2040

International relations predictions to impact the United States in 2040 include:

Politics predictions for the United States in 2040

Politics related predictions to impact the United States in 2040 include:

  • We’re living in an age of minority rule.Link
  • In about 20 years, half the population will live in eight states.Link

Government predictions for the United States in 2040

Government related predictions to impact the United States in 2040 include:

  • With more storms and rising seas, which U.S. cities should be saved first?.Link

Economy predictions for the United States in 2040

Economy related predictions to impact the United States in 2040 include:

Technology predictions for the United States in 2040

Technology related predictions to impact the United States in 2040 include:

Culture predictions for the United States in 2040

Culture related predictions to impact the United States in 2040 include:

  • The population in Texas surpasses that of California. Likelihood: 75 percent.1
  • Islam is now the second-largest religion in the US. Likelihood: 60%1
  • 70 percent of Americans will now live in 15 states as more and more people leave rural communities/states and concentrate/move into major population centers. This also means that the minority who remain in rural America will gain disproportionate voting powers since they retain the ability to vote in 70 senators. Likelihood: 80%1
  • We’re living in an age of minority rule.Link
  • In about 20 years, half the population will live in eight states.Link
  • By 2040, Islam could be the second-largest religion in the US.Link

Defense predictions for in 2040

Defense related predictions to impact the United States in 2040 include:

Infrastructure predictions for the United States in 2040

Infrastructure related predictions to impact the United States in 2040 include:

  • California’s entire fleet of public transit buses are now fully electric. Likelihood: 80%1
  • Between 2040 to 2043, several US states begin the construction of massive sea walls to defend their coastal cities against rising sea levels. The costs of these sea walls nationally will rise to over $400 billion. Likelihood: 70%1
  • Coal use in the US has officially ended, replaced largely by natural gas and renewables. Likelihood: 70%1
  • With more storms and rising seas, which U.S. cities should be saved first?.Link

Environment predictions for the United States in 2040

Environment related predictions to impact the United States in 2040 include:

  • General Motors stops selling gas cars altogether.  Likelihood: 60 percent1
  • Extreme water shortages will be commonplace in west of Missouri. Likelihood: 60 percent1
  • The US plastics industry reaches its goal of diverting 100 percent of its packaging waste by switching to more recyclable materials and using new technologies that melt plastics back into their original chemical components. Likelihood: 60%1
  • With more storms and rising seas, which U.S. cities should be saved first?.Link

Science predictions for the United States in 2040

Science related predictions to impact the United States in 2040 include:

Health predictions for the United States in 2040

Health related predictions to impact the United States in 2040 include:

More predictions from 2040

Read the top global predictions from 2040 - click here

Next scheduled update for this resource page

January 7, 2022. Last updated January 7, 2020.


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