germany predictions for 2035

Read 7 predictions about Germany in 2035, a year that will see this country experience significant change in its politics, economics, technology, culture, and environment. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

International relations predictions for Germany in 2035

International relations predictions to impact Germany in 2035 include:

Politics predictions for Germany in 2035

Politics related predictions to impact Germany in 2035 include:

Government predictions for Germany in 2035

Government related predictions to impact Germany in 2035 include:

Economy predictions for Germany in 2035

Economy related predictions to impact Germany in 2035 include:

  • The economic loss to Germany, due to switch to electromobility from combustion fuel vehicles, has grown to reach $22 billion annually. Likelihood: 80%Link

Technology predictions for Germany in 2035

Technology related predictions to impact Germany in 2035 include:

  • On-demand energy of the five Northern states, Germany expands by 30GW cumulated offshore wind energy. Likelihood: 30%Link
  • The city of Hamburg ensures that all interested customers in power, heat, and transportation sectors are supplied almost entirely with green hydrogen for their energy needs. Likelihood: 25%Link

Culture predictions for Germany in 2035

Culture related predictions to impact Germany in 2035 include:

  • The working-age population shrinks by around 4 to 6 million to 45.8 to 47.4 million, down from 51.8 million in 2018. Likelihood: 60 percentLink

Defense predictions for in 2035

Defense related predictions to impact Germany in 2035 include:

  • Germany, in collaboration with France, creates a next generation battle tank. Likelihood: 70%Link

Infrastructure predictions for Germany in 2035

Infrastructure related predictions to impact Germany in 2035 include:

Environment predictions for Germany in 2035

Environment related predictions to impact Germany in 2035 include:

  • Germany supplies 100% of its energy needs through renewable sources. Likelihood: 60 percentLink

Science predictions for Germany in 2035

Science related predictions to impact Germany in 2035 include:

Health predictions for Germany in 2035

Health related predictions to impact Germany in 2035 include:

  • The working-age population has shrunk by 5 million to roughly 46 million people, compared to 51.8 million in 2018. Likelihood: 90%Link

More predictions from 2035

Read the top global predictions from 2035 - click here

Next scheduled update for this resource page

January 7, 2022. Last updated January 7, 2020.


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