Predictions for 2035 | Future timeline

Read 284 predictions for 2035, a year that will see the world transform in big and small ways; this includes disruptions throughout our culture, technology, science, health and business sectors. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

Fast forecasts for 2035

  • Gene-editing technology allows scientists to cure genetic diseases. link
  • Genomes of all discovered mammal species sequenced link
  • Gene-editing technology allows scientists to cure genetic diseases link
  • Scientists develop cure for HIV through genome editing to cut the HIV genome out of DNA link
  • Humans can "upgrade" their senses with implants that detect more signals (radio waves, X-rays, etc.) link
  • Majority of vehicles contain vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications to transmit information about speed, heading, brake status link
  • New train technology travels 3x faster than airplaneslink
  • Earth experiences a "mini ice age" as solar activity decreases by 1%link
  • Genomes of all discovered mammal species sequenced. link
  • A partnership of three transmission system operators (TSO) from the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany complete construction of an island that will initially generate 70 GW to 100 GW of offshore wind power capacity for domestic use inland. Likelihood: 40%link
  • Scientists develop cure for HIV through genome editing to cut the HIV genome out of DNA. link
  • Humans can "upgrade" their senses with implants that detect more signals (radio waves, X-rays, etc.). link
  • 3D printers capable of printing organs become widely used in hospitals. link
  • Physical cash is no longer accepted at most physical stores worldwide. (Likelihood 90%)link
  • Quantum computing is now commonplace and actively revolutionizing medical research, astronomy, weather modeling, machine learning, and real-time language translation by processing enormous data sets in a fraction of the time of 2010-era computers. (Likelihood 80%)link
  • In July of this year, Mars will be at its closest to the Earth, the closest it's been since 2018. Stargazers, get ready! (Likelihood 90%)link
  • Australian investment in India rises to AUS $100 billion, up from AUS $14 billion in 2018. Likelihood: 70%link
  • Sub-Saharan Africa now has more working-age people than the rest of the world's regions combined. Likelihood: 70%link
Fast Forecast
  • Earth experiences a "mini ice age" as solar activity decreases by 1% link
  • New train technology travels 3x faster than airplanes link
  • Majority of vehicles contain vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications to transmit information about speed, heading, brake status link
  • Humans can "upgrade" their senses with implants that detect more signals (radio waves, X-rays, etc.) link
  • Scientists develop cure for HIV through genome editing to cut the HIV genome out of DNA link
  • Gene-editing technology allows scientists to cure genetic diseases link
  • Genomes of all discovered mammal species sequenced link
  • World population forecasted to reach 8,838,907,000 link
  • Share of global car sales taken by autonomous vehicles equals 38 per cent link
  • World sales of electric vehicles reaches 16,466,667 link
  • Average number of connected devices, per person, is 16 link
  • Global number of Internet connected devices reaches 139,200,000,000 link
  • Predicted global mobile web traffic equals 414 exabytes link
  • Global Internet traffic grows to 1,118 exabytes link

Country forecasts for 2035

Read forecasts about 2035 specific to a range of countries, including:

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