United States predictions for 2027

Read 21 predictions about the United States in 2027, a year that will see this country experience significant change in its politics, economics, technology, culture, and environment. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

International relations predictions for the United States in 2027

International relations predictions to impact the United States in 2027 include:

Politics predictions for the United States in 2027

Politics related predictions to impact the United States in 2027 include:

  • California is first state to ban the sale of fur clothing, beginning in 2023.Link
  • House passes bill to create national quantum computing program.Link

Government predictions for the United States in 2027

Government related predictions to impact the United States in 2027 include:

  • US Charges Three Iranians Over Trump Campaign Hack.Link
  • Trump to attend Alabama game as poll shows Harris has slim lead in swing states.Link
  • How To Steal An Election — Electoral College Edition.Link
  • First early votes cast in knife-edge US presidential election.Link
  • Pope Francis tells US Catholics to choose 'lesser evil' in coming election.Link

Economy predictions for the United States in 2027

Economy related predictions to impact the United States in 2027 include:

  • The US signs a new trade deal with China, ending years of trade disputes started during Trump’s first term. Likelihood: 70%Link
  • Healthcare is now the biggest source of employment in the US. Likelihood: 80%Link
  • The US now spends more servicing its debt than it spends on its military. Likelihood: 80%Link
  • This is meta’s ar / vr hardware roadmap for the next four years.Link

Technology predictions for the United States in 2027

Technology related predictions to impact the United States in 2027 include:

  • This is meta’s ar / vr hardware roadmap for the next four years.Link
  • House passes bill to create national quantum computing program.Link

Culture predictions for the United States in 2027

Culture related predictions to impact the United States in 2027 include:

  • This is meta’s ar / vr hardware roadmap for the next four years.Link

Defense predictions for in 2027

Defense related predictions to impact the United States in 2027 include:

Infrastructure predictions for the United States in 2027

Infrastructure related predictions to impact the United States in 2027 include:

Environment predictions for the United States in 2027

Environment related predictions to impact the United States in 2027 include:

  • Solar power usage across the US triples from 129 gigawatts to 336 gigawatts since 2022. Likelihood: 70 percentLink
  • The Kigali Amendment, which drastically reduces the use of HFCs, increases manufacturing jobs by 33,000. Likelihood: 60 percentLink
  • California is first state to ban the sale of fur clothing, beginning in 2023.Link

Science predictions for the United States in 2027

Science related predictions to impact the United States in 2027 include:

  • Between 2027 and 2029, NASA completes the construction of the “Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway,” a space station that now orbits the moon. Likelihood: 70%Link
  • RoboBees are utilized to pollinate crops in large scales Link

Health predictions for the United States in 2027

Health related predictions to impact the United States in 2027 include:

  • At last, a single-payer health care system, similar in nature to Canada and most European countries, is legislated into law. Likelihood: 70%Link
  • Rethinking food and agriculture.Link

More predictions from 2027

Read the top global predictions from 2027 - click here

Next scheduled update for this resource page

January 7, 2022. Last updated January 7, 2020.


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