Predictions for 2022 | Future timeline

Read 429 predictions for 2022, a year that will see the world transform in big and small ways; this includes disruptions throughout our culture, technology, science, health and business sectors. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

Fast forecasts for 2022

  • The luxury industry starts climbing 6% in annual revenues. Likelihood: 70 percentlink
  • Investments in the Brazilian airport sector totals $1.6 billion USD between 2019 and this year, with 65 percent of this amount coming from the private sector. Likelihood: 75
  • World's first electric commuter plane, Eviation Alice, built with 'pioneer' Spanish engineering, starts flying commercially starting this year. Likelihood: 90 Percentlink
  • A new rail link between the Portuguese ports of Lisbon, Setúbal, and Sines and Spain completes its construction this year. Likelihood: 80 Percentlink
  • This year, Japan releases the contaminated water from Fukushima into the sea to dilute it. Likelihood: 100%link
  • US automakers agree to adopt crash-avoidance braking by
  • Scientists capable of replicating faces solely through DNA analysis. link
  • 10% of the world's population will be wearing clothes connected to the Internet. link
  • ESA and NASA will try to divert an asteroid out of its orbit. link
  • Compliance period for the US Clean Power Plan begins. link
  • Construction of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) begins in Chile. link
  • All new car models will now have automatic braking by default. link
  • Mobile payments grow to $3 trillion, a 200 fold increase from 7 years prior. link
  • Denmark begins making shifts towards cash-free societies link
  • Planes that use sunlight for fuel are used regularly. They use up to 17000 solar cellslink
  • Scientists capable of replicating faces solely through DNA analysis link
  • US military food researchers develop pizza that can last up to 3 yearslink
  • After the US imposes sanctions on Iran's oil exports, India continues importing oil from Iran, straining India's trade relationship with the US. Likelihood: 60%link
  • China finishes building four new aircraft carriers this year. Likelihood: 70%link
  • Budget cuts in the US lead to Chinese R&D spending surpassing the US total by this year. This development means that China becomes the leading nation for scientific and medical research. Likelihood: 90%link
  • Germany now has a million hybrid or battery-electric vehicles on the road. Likelihood: 50%link
  • Germany shuts down two lignite power plants (3-gigawatt capacity) and several hard coal facilities (4-gigawatt capacity). Likelihood: 50%link
  • Germany will spend around 78 billion euros on migration-related issues this year. Likelihood: 50%link
  • India and the US enter a trade war. India imposes $235 million worth of tariffs after the US revokes India's tariff benefits under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP). Likelihood: 30%link
  • India spends USD 1 billion in foreign aid across the South Asian region as China's Belt and Road Initiative threatens India's dominance. Likelihood: 70%link
  • After India and Japan entered an agreement on peaceful uses of nuclear energy in 2017, the two countries strengthen their strategic relationship, including military and economic support, to curb China's growing influence in the region. Likelihood: 80%link
  • China first space station, Tiangong, becomes operational this year; it will include a core module and two laboratory cabins, large enough to house three to six astronauts. The station will be expandable and will also be open to foreign astronauts. Likelihood: 75%link
  • The US sells armed surveillance drones and other sensitive military technology to India after signing a breakthrough agreement in 2018. Likelihood: 70%link
  • NASA lands a rover to the moon between 2022 to 2023 to find water in advance of the US' return to the moon during the 2020s. (Likelihood 80%)link
  • Between 2022 to 2026, the worldwide shift from smartphones to wearable augmented reality (AR) glasses will begin and will accelerate as the 5G rollout is completed. These next-generation AR devices will offer users context-rich information about their environment in real-time. (Likelihood 90%)link
  • 2022 Winter Olympics will be held in Beijing, China. link
  • 2022 FIFA World Cup to be held in Qatar. link
  • European Space Agency plans to launch JUICE for the exploration of Jupiter's icy moons by 2022. link
  • Denmark begins making shifts towards cash-free societies. link
Fast Forecast
  • The luxury industry starts climbing 6% in annual
  • U.S. automakers agree to adopt crash-avoidance braking by
  • 10% of the world's population will be wearing clothes connected to the
  • The first 3D-printed car will be in
  • ESA and NASA will try to divert an asteroid out of its orbit. link
  • Compliance period for the US Clean Power Plan begins. link
  • Construction of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) begins in Chile. link
  • All new car models will now have automatic braking by default. link
  • Mobile payments grow to $3 trillion, a 200 fold increase from 7 years prior. link
  • The BICAR, a cross between a bicycle and electric car, becomes available for purchase link
  • Denmark begins making shifts towards cash-free societies link
  • Planes that use sunlight for fuel are used regularly. They use up to 17000 solar cells link
  • Scientists capable of replicating faces solely through DNA analysis 1,link2
  • U.S. military food researchers develop pizza that can last up to 3 years link
  • Cost of solar panels, per watt, equals 1.1 US dollars link
  • World population forecasted to reach 7,914,763,000 link
  • World sales of electric vehicles reaches 7,886,667 link
  • Predicted global mobile web traffic equals 50 exabytes link
  • Global Internet traffic grows to 260 exabytes link

Country forecasts for 2022

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