Predictions for 2028 | Future timeline

Read 49 predictions for 2028, a year that will see the world transform in big and small ways; this includes disruptions throughout our culture, technology, science, health and business sectors. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

Fast forecasts for 2028

  • Axiom-1, the commercial wing of the International Space Station, separates from ISS and becomes an independent space station. Likelihood: 70 percentlink
  • Asia becomes the center of air travel. link
  • Hypersonic missiles are in military use link
  • Asia becomes the center of air travel link
  • Life expectancy explodes dramatically through gene modification link
  • Driverless cars begin having significant impact on profits for auto insurance companies link
  • Contact lenses with cameras become available for purchase link
  • Smartphones become capable of detecting diseases through brethalyzer screening technology link
  • Scientists successfully manipulate photosynthesis to increase crop yields by up to 1%link
  • Hypersonic missiles are in military use. link
  • People are increasingly self-sustainable through the use of MedTech wearables that allow them to self-monitor their health. People also use their artificial intelligence assistants to become more self-aware of their mental health and take the steps necessary to heal their minds. (Likelihood 90%)link
  • Life expectancy explodes dramatically through gene modification. link
  • Driverless cars begin having significant impact on profits for auto insurance companies. link
  • Contact lenses with cameras become available for purchase. link
  • Smartphones become capable of detecting diseases through brethalyzer screening technology. link
  • Churches and other religious institutions begin expanding their reach through virtual reality, allowing congregants to attend worship events and ceremonies remotely. New religions may be launched to this mass, distributed, virtual platform. (Likelihood 90%)link
  • Thanks to a combination of mixed reality, digital assistants, on-demand manufacturing, and last-mile delivery systems, home shoppers can now design, customize, and purchase highly personalized clothing and consumer goods on demand. Mass production leads to personalized production. (Likelihood 80%)link
  • It is now commonplace for corporations and households in developed nations to invest in the self-generation of renewable energy (solar, wind); this energy independence also becomes a source of profit when excess energy is sold to third parties (Energy-as-a-Service). (Likelihood 90%)link
  • Governments are now encouraging the creation and accreditation of nano-degrees that people can acquire in weeks to months instead of years. These new degree types will help older workers to cheaply gain new skills faster than traditional degree programs, and better adapt to rapid job market changes. (Likelihood 90%)link
  • Teachers start collaborating with AI assistants that help them manage administrative tasks like lesson plan creation, marking students' papers, and validating attendance, thereby freeing up teachers' time for more personalized student attention and teaching. (Likelihood 90%)link
Fast Forecast
  • Axiom-1, the commercial wing of the International Space Station, separates from ISS and becomes an independent space station.% link
  • Scientists successfully manipulate photosynthesis to increase crop yields by up to 1% link
  • Smartphones become capable of detecting diseases through brethalyzer screening technology link
  • RoboBees are utilized to pollinate crops in large scales link
  • Contact lenses with cameras become available for purchase link
  • Driverless cars begin having significant impact on profits for auto insurance companies link
  • Life expectancy explodes dramatically through gene modification link
  • Asia becomes the center of air travel link
  • Hypersonic missiles are in military use link
  • Cost of solar panels, per watt, equals 0.65 US dollars link
  • World population forecasted to reach 8,359,823,000 link
  • World sales of electric vehicles reaches 11,846,667 link
  • Predicted global mobile web traffic equals 176 exabytes link
  • Global Internet traffic grows to 572 exabytes link

Country forecasts for 2028

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