Predictions for 2045 | Future timeline

Read 137 predictions for 2045, a year that will see the world transform in big and small ways; this includes disruptions throughout our culture, technology, science, health and business sectors. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

Fast forecasts for 2045

  • Skyfarms feed densly populated city centres with added environmental benefits of producing energy, purifying water, cleaning air. link
  • Tokyo and Nagoya maglev is fully builtlink
  • Brain implants used for disabilities and entertainment purposes become widely available link
  • Skyfarms feed densly populated city centres with added environmental benefits of producing energy, purifying water, cleaning air link
  • Brainprints' joins fingerprints as the top measures of security link
  • EV battery energy density to be at parity with gasoline. link
  • Sweden becomes 'carbon neutral' through 85% carbon cuts at home. link
  • Ray Kurzweil singularity theory to begin this year. link
  • Brain implants used for disabilities and entertainment purposes become widely available. link
  • 22% of the world's population is obese, that is one in every five people in the world is overweight. 1%link
  • Brainprints' joins fingerprints as the top measures of security. link
  • Between 2045 to 2050, some humans turn to bionic enhancements to improve their mental and physical capabilities, a divergent human and cyborg class may emerge, splitting the human population not just by race, but by ability and potentially creating new sub-species. (Likelihood 65%)link
  • Through the use of brain-chip implants that connect to the cloud, it is now possible to augment human intelligence. This 'brain-to-cloud' internet access allows human users to instantly tap into vast digital knowledge banks as needed, significantly enhancing the person's cognitive abilities. (Likelihood 80%)link
  • South East Asia has a diabetes epidemic; the number of diabetes cases reaches 151 million, up from 82 million in 2019. Likelihood: 80%link
  • One in eight people worldwide now have type 2 diabetes due to skyrocketing rates of obesity. (Likelihood 60%)link
  • India, in a 35-country effort, helps build the world's first nuclear fusion device. Likelihood: 70%link
  • India overtakes China as the world's most populous country with 1.5 billion people, China, with 1.1 billion. Likelihood: 70%link
Fast Forecast
  • Ray Kurzweil singularity theory to begin this year. link
  • Sweden becomes 'carbon neutral' through 85% carbon cuts at home. link
  • EV battery energy density to be at parity with gasoline. link
  • 'Brainprints' joins fingerprints as the top measures of security link
  • Skyfarms feed densly populated city centres with added environmental benefits of producing energy, purifying water, cleaning air link
  • Brain implants used for disabilities and entertainment purposes become widely available link
  • Tokyo and Nagoya maglev is fully built link
  • World population forecasted to reach 9,453,891,000 link
  • Share of global car sales taken by autonomous vehicles equals 70 per cent link
  • World sales of electric vehicles reaches 23,066,667 link
  • Average number of connected devices, per person, is 22 link
  • Global number of Internet connected devices reaches 204,600,000,000 link
  • Optimistic forecasted rise in global temperatures, above pre-industrial levels, is 1.76 degrees Celsius link

Country forecasts for 2045

Read forecasts about 2045 specific to a range of countries, including:

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