Biocomputers powered by human brain cells: A step toward organoid intelligence

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Biocomputers powered by human brain cells: A step toward organoid intelligence

Biocomputers powered by human brain cells: A step toward organoid intelligence

Subheading text
Researchers are looking into the potential of a brain-computer hybrid that can go where silicon computers can't.
    • Author:
    • Author name
      Quantumrun Foresight
    • September 27, 2023

    Insight summary

    Researchers are developing biocomputers using brain organoids, which possess crucial brain function and structure aspects. These biocomputers have the potential to revolutionize personalized medicine, drive economic growth in biotech industries, and create demand for skilled labor. However, ethical concerns, new laws and regulations, and the potential worsening of healthcare disparities must be addressed as this technology advances.

    Biocomputers powered by human brain cells context

    Researchers from various fields are collaborating to develop groundbreaking biocomputers that use three-dimensional brain cell cultures, known as brain organoids, as the biological foundation. Their plan for achieving this goal is outlined in a 2023 article published in the scientific journal Frontiers in Science. Brain organoids are a laboratory-grown cell culture. Although they are not miniature versions of brains, they possess crucial aspects of brain function and structure, such as neurons and other brain cells necessary for cognitive abilities like learning and memory. 

    According to one of the authors, Professor Thomas Hartung from Johns Hopkins University, while silicon-based computers excel in numerical calculations, brains are superior learners. He cited the example of AlphaGo, the AI that defeated the world's top Go player in 2017. AlphaGo was trained on data from 160,000 games, which would take a person playing five hours daily over 175 years to experience. 

    Not only are brains better learners, but they are also more energy-efficient. For example, the energy required to train AlphaGo could support an active adult for ten years. According to Hartung, brains also possess an incredible ability to store information, estimated at 2,500 terabytes. While silicon computers are reaching their limits, the human brain contains roughly 100 billion neurons connected via over 10^15 connection points, a tremendous power difference compared to existing technology.

    Disruptive impact

    The potential of organoid intelligence (OI) extends beyond computing into medicine. Due to a pioneering technique developed by Nobel Laureates John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka, brain organoids can be generated from adult tissues. This feature allows researchers to create personalized brain organoids using skin samples from patients with neurological disorders like Alzheimer's. They can then conduct various tests to examine the effects of genetic factors, medications, and toxins on these conditions.

    Hartung explained that OI could also be used to study the cognitive aspects of neurological diseases. For instance, researchers could compare memory formation in organoids derived from healthy individuals and those with Alzheimer's, attempting to remedy the related deficits. Additionally, OI could be used to investigate whether certain substances, such as pesticides, contribute to memory or learning issues.

    However, creating human brain organoids with the ability to learn, remember, and interact with their surroundings introduces complex ethical concerns. Questions arise, such as whether these organoids could attain consciousness—even in a basic form—experience pain or suffering and what rights individuals should have regarding brain organoids created from their cells. The researchers are fully conscious of these challenges. Hartung emphasized that a crucial aspect of their vision is to develop OI ethically and with social responsibility. To address this, the researchers have collaborated with ethicists from the very beginning to implement an "embedded ethics" approach. 

    Implications of biocomputers powered by human brain cells

    Wider implications of biocomputers powered by human brain cells may include: 

    • Organoid intelligence leading to personalized medicine for individuals struggling with brain injuries or illnesses, allowing for more effective treatments. This development could result in seniors living more independent lives with reduced disease burden and improved quality of life.
    • New cross-industry collaboration opportunities with the biotech and pharmaceutical industries, potentially leading to economic growth and job creation in these sectors.
    • Advances in national healthcare systems. Governments might need to invest in this technology to maintain a competitive edge and improve public health outcomes, which could lead to debates around funding allocation and prioritization.
    • Innovation in other fields, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and bioinformatics, as researchers seek to integrate biocomputation to extend or augment the functionality of existing technologies. 
    • Increased demand for skilled labor in biotechnology and related fields. This shift could require new education and retraining programs.
    • Ethical concerns surrounding the use of human cells and tissues inside electronics, as well as the potential for exploitation of these technologies for purposes other than healthcare, such as bioweapons or cosmetic enhancements.
    • New laws and regulations being required to govern the use, development, and application of this technology, balancing innovation with ethical considerations and public safety.
    • Organoid intelligence worsening the existing disparities in healthcare access and outcomes, as wealthier nations and individuals are more likely to benefit from the technology. Addressing this issue may require global collaboration and resource sharing to ensure equitable distribution of the benefits of this technology.

    Questions to consider

    • What might be the other potential challenges in developing organoid intelligence?
    • How can researchers ensure that these bio-machine hybrids are developed and used responsibly?