List of data points collected
The Quantumrun Global 1000 is an annual ranking of 1,000 corporations from around the world based on their likelihood to remain in business until 2030. This list and others can be read here.
While over 100 data points fed the analysis of 18-26 criteria used to grade the thousands of companies ranked in Quantumrun’s various ranking reports, the following lists the 80+ unique data points included in the data set available for purchase.
Quantumrun report data points:
Company name
Country of origin
Company location information URL
Total employee count globally
Total employee count domestically
Total number of locations (stores/offices/warehouses/etc.) globally
Total number of locations (stores/offices/warehouses/etc.) domestically
Total number of states/provinces company operates in domestically
Total number of states/provinces within the company’s country of origin
Location distribution ratio
Domestic employee distribution ratio
Corruption index*
Brand ranking**
Industry regulation***
Amount spent on lobbying (2016)
2016 revenue
2015 revenue
2014 revenue
3y revenue avg
2016 operating expenses
2015 operating expenses
2014 operating expenses
3y expenses growth
Revenue surplus
Total reserve funds (2016)
Access to capital (2016)****
#1 market country (2016)
#1 percent of revenue (2016)
#1 3y GDP growth (of #1 market country)
#2 market country (2016)
#2 percent of revenue (2016)
#2 3y GDP growth (of #2 market country)
#3 market country (2016)
#3 percent of revenue (2016)
#3 3y GDP growth (of #3 market country)
3y GDP average of top three market countries
Percent of revenue generated outside of country of origin (global presence as of 2016)
Money invested in R&D (2016)
R&D as a percentage of revenue (2016)
Total number of patents
Number patents granted 2016
Number patents filed 2016
Number patents granted 2015
Number patents filed 2015
Number patents granted 2014
Number patents filed 2014
3y patent growth average
Patent growth average since company founding
Company about page URL
2015 annual report URL
2016 annual report URL
All annual reports URL
(Incomplete data for all companies in this list; data improvement scheduled for 2018 report)
#1 Product/Service name
#1 Product/Service market share (2016)
#1 Product/Service revenue (2016)
#1 Product/Service revenue, as a percentage of total revenue (2016)
#2 Product/Service name
#2 Product/Service market share (2016)
#2 Product/Service revenue (2016)
#2 Product/Service revenue, as a percentage of total revenue (2016)
#3 Product/Service name
#3 Product/Service market share (2016)
#3 Product/Service revenue (2016)
#3 Product/Service revenue, as a percentage of total revenue (2016)
#4 Product/Service name
#4 Product/Service market share (2016)
#4 Product/Service revenue (2016)
#4 Product/Service % total rev
#5 Product/Service name
#5 Product/Service market share (2016)
#5 Product/Service revenue (2016)
#5 Product/Service revenue, as a percentage of total revenue (2016)
Scores for each of the 18-26 criteria considered when grading, then ranking these companies against the three ranking reports released in 2017, are also included in the data set accessible in the paid versions of the Quantumrun ranking reports.
*Corruption index data sourced from:
**Brand ranking index data sourced from:
***Industry regulation data sourced from:®ulator%5B0%5D=0
****Averaged grade from S&P, Moody and Fitch Group.
*****Unless otherwise stated above, all company data was gathered from each respective company’s publicly accessible website and annual report.