big data trends

Big data trends

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A conversation we need to have: Data's role in food production
In the farming world, precision agriculture is the most significant development this century.
Feeding the world with big data and new business models
Singularity University
Geoffrey von Maltzahn, Partner, Flagship PioneeringThe combination of data and innovation means we can have the ability to feed our growing global population...
Finding the elusive big wisdom in big data
You probably already know ‘Big Data’ is top of mind heading into 2015. How could you not? You are hearing about it constantly from vendors and journalists alike (guilty as charged). And you know what that hype says, right? Big data is going to provide all the answers, make your companies run more efficiently and help […]
Author Malcolm Gladwell: More data doesn’t mean you know everything
Malcolm Gladwell had some bad news for mobile marketers: Just because you have more data doesn't mean you're going to make better decisions. At Tune'
'Data is the new oil': Your personal information is now the world's most valuable commodity
Data has surpassed oil as the world's most valuable resource, much of it controlled by just five mega-companies — and jurisdictions are struggling with how to contain, regulate and protect all those ones and zeros.
10 big data trends to watch in 2019
We seek ever more data for a good reason: it's the commodity that fuels digital innovation. However, turning those huge data collections into actionable
Who are the next billion users and what do they want?
Entrepreneurs and tech executives are widening their gazes outside of developed nations for their next source of growth. Ubiquitous cheap phones and increasingly affordable phone plans such as Jio in India are helping another billion users join the internet. What do those users want though, and how are they the same and different than existing […]
How data analytics are changing the consulting industry
As the digital revolution takes root in the consulting industry itself, tremendous opportunities to enhance the client experience are opening up, and advising clients on leveraging analytics is now a
Data-driven care: why pharmacy needs to get involved
Pharmaceutical Journal
Access to data will transform the NHS — it’s time pharmacists got to grips with clinical informatics, says Andrew Davies.
Implementation best practices: The optimal way to approach security
Healthcare IT News
Three healthcare cybersecurity experts showcase the most effectual strategies CIOs and CISOs can take when erecting defenses against criminals seeking valuable patient information.
Rethinking access in the era of connected health
MedCity News
Connected access will enable us to calibrate the right dose of access, through the right channels, at the right time, to meet patients’ needs.
Data deficit remains key challenge for cyber insurance underwriters
Insurance Journal
While there are "huge opportunities" on the horizon for the cyber insurance industry, cyber insurance underwriters still face the challenge of not having
How the federal data strategy will drive mission success in 2020: insight for chief data officers
Government Technology Insider
How will artificial intelligence impact intelligence analysis? Here are steps organizations can take to optimize the performance of humans and machines.
How Disney world uses Big Data
Disney has combined Data Analytics and it’s theme parks into one to create a more personal and supreme magical entertainment experience for guests at Walt Disney World. Disney collects a lot of data…