politics trends report 2023 quantumrun foresight

Politics: Trends Report 2023, Quantumrun Foresight

Politics has certainly not remained unaffected by technological advances. For instance, artificial intelligence (AI), misinformation, and "deep fakes" profoundly impact global politics and how information is disseminated and perceived. The rise of these technologies has made it easier for individuals and organizations to manipulate images, videos, and audio, creating deep fakes that are difficult to detect.

This trend has led to an increase in disinformation campaigns to influence public opinion, manipulate elections, and sow division, ultimately leading to a decline in trust in traditional news sources and a general sense of confusion and uncertainty. This report section will explore some of the trends surrounding technology in politics that Quantumrun Foresight is focusing on in 2023.

Click here to explore more category insights from Quantumrun Foresight’s 2023 Trends Report.

Politics has certainly not remained unaffected by technological advances. For instance, artificial intelligence (AI), misinformation, and "deep fakes" profoundly impact global politics and how information is disseminated and perceived. The rise of these technologies has made it easier for individuals and organizations to manipulate images, videos, and audio, creating deep fakes that are difficult to detect.

This trend has led to an increase in disinformation campaigns to influence public opinion, manipulate elections, and sow division, ultimately leading to a decline in trust in traditional news sources and a general sense of confusion and uncertainty. This report section will explore some of the trends surrounding technology in politics that Quantumrun Foresight is focusing on in 2023.

Click here to explore more category insights from Quantumrun Foresight’s 2023 Trends Report.

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  • Quantumrun

Last updated: 28 February 2023

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