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Offerings Pro Business Enterprise Enterprise+
Daily trend reporting Access Quantumrun's custom-written, subscriber-only insights about a wide range of industries.
Access full industry trend database Access thousands of curated trend links about hundreds of niche topics.
Access all curated trend lists Access hundreds of Lists that focus on specific niche topics, each containing dozens to hundreds of curated trend insights.
Organization-specific trend reporting Quantumrun analysts will publish reports, each weekday, that is specific to your organization’s research priorities.
AI news curation (annual plans only) Optimize your team's trend research with custom volumes of manual and AI trend curation. 10 Feeds30 FeedsUnlimited
API & RSS integrations RSS and API integrations with outside websites and platforms are possible.
White-label solutions License or purchase the platform (or any of its content and content production services) under your organization's branding.
Access project visualizations Import any of your custom Lists into one of many project interfaces and collaborate with your team to explore and segment the List’s content in ways that will improve strategic planning and product ideation. UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Team collaboration functionality Enable team collaboration collaboration features. Additional user accounts can be purchased separately. Enabled10 user base25 user baseUnlimited
Data export (annual plans only) Export data from your Projects and curated Lists, as well as download individual Insight articles.
Data import Annual plans include a one-time, complimentary import of your organization's internal research into the platform so that your team can integrate your content with the platform’s List curation and visualization functionality.
Account and user setup support The Quantumrun Foresight team is happy to assist your organization's account registration process.
Ongoing virtual Q&A and training Quantumrun Foresight will collaborate with your team over remote video workshops to walk you through how to use the platform. 1 hour per quarter11 hour per month14 hours per month1Unlimited
Dedicated Account Manager
Ticket and email support If you need support, then we can assist you over email or through our support ticketing system.
Phone support If you need support, then you can schedule a call with our team.
Access Quantumrun webinars
Receive Quantumrun trend newsletters
Pricing Only one subscription discount can be used per subscription purchase. If a referral or discount code is entered in addition to being eligible for a full year discount, then the larger discount will always be applied. Pro Business Enterprise ENTERPRISE+
Billing term optionsMonthly | AnnualMonthly | AnnualAnnual | 24 monthsAnnual | 24 months
Monthly investment (USD)2 'Per user' pricing below PURCHASE $499 | $424 Annual subscription includes a 15% discount. PURCHASE $1,799 | $1,439 24-month subscription includes a 20% discount. PURCHASE Learn more
Add-on features Pro Business Enterprise ENTERPRISE+
Billing term optionsMonthly | AnnualAnnualAnnualAnnual
Add user (per month) $60 | $50 Annual subscription includes a 17% discount. $12/mo3$18/mo3Lower bulk pricing available for organizations interested in adding more than 50 users. Unlimited
Annual plans, 20% discount on consulting services Annual subscriptions include a 20% discount on all traditional consulting engagements offered by Quantumrun Foresight.
Dedicated strategy and foresight consultant Dedicated strategy and foresight facilitation specialists can guide and collaborate with your team to generate strategy and product insights that add value to your operations. NegotiableNegotiableNegotiableNegotiable
Custom List curation and research production Customize your trend curation and research reports to your business' tailored needs with consultation from our dedicated research specialists. NegotiableNegotiableNegotiableNegotiable
White-label foresight content solutions Our research and editorial staff can produce custom future-focused content in a range of styles and for a range of mediums. NegotiableNegotiableNegotiableNegotiable
One-day virtual training (8-hours) If your team requires additional training on the Quantumrun Foresight Platform, our specialists are available to support your learning needs. $999$999$799$799
Conduct surveys with industry experts Gain access to Quantumrun Foresight’s extensive network of subject matter experts and strategic foresight specialists who can provide feedback on your future-focused business ideas, forecasts, and scenarios using surveys, digital focus groups, and Delphi format methods. NegotiableNegotiableNegotiableNegotiable
  • 1. Calculated in one-hour increments.
  • 2. Pay online by credit card or contact us to set up an ACH transfer and invoicing. Review our discounts/coupons policy here.
  • 3. Lower bulk pricing available for organizations interested in adding more than 50 users.