United States predictions for 2026

Read 26 predictions about the United States in 2026, a year that will see this country experience significant change in its politics, economics, technology, culture, and environment. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

International relations predictions for the United States in 2026

International relations predictions to impact the United States in 2026 include:

  • The US hosts the G20 economic forum (despite protests from China and Russia). Likelihood: 75 percent.Link
  • The US-Russia nuclear arms treaty expires. Likelihood: 80 percent.Link
  • The authorization of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM), which ensures access to high-quality, fair, and transparent financing for exporters and foreign buyers, ends. Likelihood: 80 percentLink
  • The US signs a new nuclear missile treaty with Russia and China, replacing the Cold War-era INF missile treaty scrapped by the Trump administration’s first term. Likelihood: 60%Link

Politics predictions for the United States in 2026

Politics related predictions to impact the United States in 2026 include:

  • The US-India bilateral trade reaches USD $300 billion from just USD $188 billion in 2022-23. Likelihood: 75 percent.Link

Government predictions for the United States in 2026

Government related predictions to impact the United States in 2026 include:

  • Companies' reprieve from the global minimum tax deal, which delayed new foreign tax impositions, expires. Likelihood: 75 percent.Link
  • Use of autonomous trucks for shipping and logistics is fully legalized across the US. Likelihood: 80%Link
  • 'Misinformation Megaphone': Musk Stokes Tension Before US Election.Link
  • Alsobrooks presses the case for national abortion rights in critical Maryland Senate race.Link
  • Trump allies make another push to change Nebraska's Electoral College law.Link
  • Republicans defy Trump to avert US shutdown.Link
  • What is the Electoral College? U.S. election 2024.Link

Economy predictions for the United States in 2026

Economy related predictions to impact the United States in 2026 include:

  • Fewer 18-year olds enter college due to population decline, leading to some smaller universities and colleges shutting down. Likelihood: 70 percentLink
  • Why nerds and nurses are taking over the economy.Link

Technology predictions for the United States in 2026

Technology related predictions to impact the United States in 2026 include:

  • NASA aims to put first woman on the moon by 2024.Link

Culture predictions for the United States in 2026

Culture related predictions to impact the United States in 2026 include:

  • The FIFA World Cup is held in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Likelihood: 95 percent.Link

Defense predictions for in 2026

Defense related predictions to impact the United States in 2026 include:

  • The Space Force gets a new "full spectrum operations" weapon. Likelihood: 70 percent.Link
  • The US military officially approves the creation of a seventh branch of the military, this one focusing entirely on cyber defense (and offense). Likelihood: 60%Link

Infrastructure predictions for the United States in 2026

Infrastructure related predictions to impact the United States in 2026 include:

  • Mining begins on the 20-40 million tonnes of lithium metal discovered along the Nevada-Oregon border, estimated to be the largest lithium deposit in the world. Likelihood: 75 percent.Link
  • Solar module capacity rises from fewer than 9 gigawatts (GW) in 2023 to more than 60 GW. Likelihood: 75 percent.Link
  • Enterprise Products Partners’ Sea Port crude oil export terminal off the coast of Texas begins operations, enhancing oil export efficiency. Likelihood: 70 percent.Link
  • The number of new apartment constructions drop to 400,000 units from 408,000 in 2025. Likelihood: 70 percent.Link
  • New York bans fossil fuels in new construction. Likelihood: 60 percent.Link
  • The US closes half of coal generation capacity, 15 years after hitting a peak at 318 gigawatts. Likelihood: 70 percent.Link

Environment predictions for the United States in 2026

Environment related predictions to impact the United States in 2026 include:

  • The National Nature Assessment, the largest assessment of water, land and wildlife in the US, is completed. Likelihood: 75 percent.Link

Science predictions for the United States in 2026

Science related predictions to impact the United States in 2026 include:

  • NASA aims to put first woman on the moon by 2024.Link

Health predictions for the United States in 2026

Health related predictions to impact the United States in 2026 include:

More predictions from 2026

Read the top global predictions from 2026 - click here

Next scheduled update for this resource page

January 7, 2022. Last updated January 7, 2020.


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