Predictions for 2026 | Future timeline

Read 41 predictions for 2026, a year that will see the world transform in big and small ways; this includes disruptions throughout our culture, technology, science, health and business sectors. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.

Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.

Fast forecasts for 2026

  • Most companies implement a full return to the office. Likelihood: 65
  • A new rugby tournament among South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Fiji, and Argentina is launched. Likelihood: 70
  • The EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) starts its definitive stage. Likelihood: 70
  • The European Space Agency (ESA) officially launches the PLATO satellite, which aims to look for planets similar to Earth. Likelihood: 70
  • SONY starts delivering its "smartphone electric vehicles." Likelihood: 60
  • 80% of multnational corporations globally have incorporated AI. Likelihood: 85
  • The Transatlantic Clean Hydrogen Trade Coalition (H2TC) ships clean hydrogen from US to Europe. Likelihood: 60
  • EU bans climate neutral claims to combat greenwashing. Likelihood: 85
  • The Middle East travel sector grows by 40 percent. Likelihood: 70
  • Southeast Asia and India become the most valuable luxury beauty market in Asia Pacific. Likelihood: 75
  • Environmental supply chain risks cost firms worldwide USD $120 billion if there are no efforts made to boost sustainability. Likelihood: 75
  • Low-emissions hydrogen global production grows 25%. Likelihood: 60
  • Institutional investors allocate 5.6% of their portfolios to tokenized assets. Likelihood: 60
  • The Hybrit consortium of European steelmakers builds a commercial-scale plant in Sweden, producing 1.3 million tons of fossil-free iron annually for high-quality steel production. Likelihood: 70 percentlink
  • The global virtual reality (VR) in healthcare market size and share revenue reach USD $40.98 billion, up from USD $2.70 billion in 2020. Likelihood: 60 percentlink
  • The global Agriculture Internet of Things (IoT) market size and share revenue reaches USD $18.7 billion, up from USD $11.9 billion in 2020. Likelihood: 60 percentlink
  • The global exchange-traded fund (ETF) industry's asset under management (AUM) doubles since 2022. Likelihood: 60 percentlink
  • The global market for cell and gene therapy has grown at a compound annual growth rate of 33.6% since 2021, reaching approximately USD $17.4 billion.  Likelihood: 65 percentlink
  • Volvo mass produces cars with green steel, the first automaker to do so. Likelihood: 60 percentlink
  • Startup Aska makes the first deliveries of its four-passenger air-mobility vehicles (e.g., flying cars), pre-sold at USD $789,000 each. Likelihood: 50 percentlink
  • The European Space Agency (ESA) launches the Plato Mission, using 26 telescopes to search for habitable planets like Earth. Likelihood: 70 percentlink
  • 90% of online content will be artificial intelligence (AI)-generated. Likelihood: 60 percentlink
  • The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Italian Space Agency, the Canadian Space Agency, and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency jointly launch a Mars mission to explore the near-surface ice deposits. Likelihood: 60 percentlink
  • 25% of online users will spend at least 1 hour per day in the Metaverse. Likelihood: 70 percentlink
  • Consumers spend over USD $937 billion globally for ride sharing. Likelihood: 70 percentlink
  • The National Aeronautics and Space Administration launches a rotorcraft to study Saturn's icy moon, Titan. Likelihood: 60 percentlink
  • The European Union implements the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with an option to defer until 2028. Likelihood: 70 percentlink
  • Thanks to new legislation approving the use of drones and autonomous robots for delivery, select retailers begin expanding their business territories into tough-to-reach locations (especially rural) to deliver packages to customers more efficiently. (Likelihood 90%)link
  • Due to a resurgent Russia and mounting tensions, most European nations have now reintroduced mandatory conscription into their militaries (or at least conscription into government service). (Likelihood 90%)link
  • Construction of Sagrada Familia to be completed. link
  • First 3D Fast Bus, the Land Airbus, is tested on Chinese roads. link
  • The Great Firewall of China can no longer block its citizen's access to the internet. link
  • The European Union's experimental, International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is activated for the first time link
  • China's economy will overtake the US for the first time link
  • First 3D Fast Bus, the Land Airbus, is tested on Chinese roads link
  • Google contributes to speeding up the Internet, to make it 1000 times faster link
  • Near-infrared goggles help surgeons view cancer cells and see tumors as small as 1mmlink
Fast Forecast
  • The European Union implements the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with an option to defer until 2028. link
  • The National Aeronautics and Space Administration launches a rotorcraft to study Saturn's icy moon, Titan. link
  • Consumers spend over USD $937 billion globally for ride sharing. link
  • 25% of online users will spend at least 1 hour per day in the Metaverse. link
  • The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Italian Space Agency, the Canadian Space Agency, and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency jointly launch a Mars mission to explore the near-surface ice deposits. link
  • 90% of online content will be artificial intelligence (AI)-generated. link
  • The European Space Agency (ESA) launches the Plato Mission, using 26 telescopes to search for habitable planets like Earth. link
  • Startup Aska makes the first deliveries of its four-passenger air-mobility vehicles (e.g., flying cars), pre-sold at USD $789,000 each. link
  • The Hybrit consortium of European steelmakers builds a commercial-scale plant in Sweden, producing 1.3 million tons of fossil-free iron annually for high-quality steel production. link
  • Volvo mass produces cars with green steel, the first automaker to do so. link
  • The global market for cell and gene therapy has grown at a compound annual growth rate of 33.6% since 2021, reaching approximately USD $17.4 billion. link
  • The global exchange-traded fund (ETF) industry's asset under management (AUM) doubles since 2022. link
  • The global Agriculture Internet of Things (IoT) market size and share revenue reaches USD $18.7 billion, up from USD $11.9 billion in 2020. link
  • The global virtual reality (VR) in healthcare market size and share revenue reach USD $40.98 billion, up from USD $2.70 billion in 2020. link
  • The European Union's experimental, International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is activated for the first time link
  • China's economy will overtake the U.S. for the first time link
  • First 3D Fast Bus, the Land Airbus, is tested on Chinese roads link
  • Google contributes to speeding up the Internet, to make it 1000 times faster link
  • Near-infrared goggles help surgeons view cancer cells and see tumors as small as 1mm link
  • Cost of solar panels, per watt, equals 0.75 US dollars link
  • World population forecasted to reach 8,215,348,000 link
  • World sales of electric vehicles reaches 10,526,667 link
  • Predicted global mobile web traffic equals 126 exabytes link
  • Global Internet traffic grows to 452 exabytes link

Country forecasts for 2026

Read forecasts about 2026 specific to a range of countries, including:

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