Predictions for 2047 | Future timeline
Read 18 predictions for 2047, a year that will see the world transform in big and small ways; this includes disruptions throughout our culture, technology, science, health and business sectors. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.
Quantumrun Foresight prepared this list; A trend intelligence consulting firm that uses strategic foresight to help companies thrive from future trends in foresight. This is just one of many possible futures society may experience.
Fast forecasts for 2047
- On July 1, the People's Republic of China's obligation to run Hong Kong as a special administrative region, per the Sino-British Joint Declaration expires, and with it the enforceability of the Hong Kong Basic Law. link
- On August 14, Pakistan will commemorate the 100th anniversary of its independence. link
- On August 15, India will commemorate the 100th anniversary of its independence. link
- Information and skills can be downloaded into the mind instantly (Matrix-style). link
- Genomes of all discovered insect species sequenced. link
- Morbid obesity no longer exists. link
- Information and skills can be downloaded into the mind instantly (Matrix-style) link
- Genomes of all discovered insect species sequenced link
- An AI is awarded a Nobel Prize link
- Morbid obesity no longer exists link
- Global reserves of Gas is fully mined and depletedlink
Fast Forecast
- Information and skills can be downloaded into the mind instantly (Matrix-style) link
- Genomes of all discovered insect species sequenced link
- An AI is awarded a Nobel Prize link
- Morbid obesity no longer exists link
- Global reserves of Gas is fully mined and depleted link
- World population forecasted to reach 9,565,600,000 link
- World sales of electric vehicles reaches 24,386,667 link
Country forecasts for 2047
Read forecasts about 2047 specific to a range of countries, including:
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Technology forecasts for 2047
Technology related predictions due to make an impact in 2047 include:
- Virtual reality and the global hive mind: Future of the Internet P7
- Humans not allowed. The AI-only web: Future of the Internet P8
- Will humans live peacefully in a future dominated by artificial intelligences? - Future of artificial intelligence P6
- How humans will defend against an Artificial Superintelligence: Future of artificial intelligence P5
Culture forecasts for 2047
Culture related predictions due to make an impact in 2047 include:
- After the age of mass unemployment: Future of Work P7
- List of future legal precedents tomorrow's courts will judge: Future of law P5
- Future of growing old: Future of Human Population P5
- Future of death: Future of human population P7
- How Generation Z will change the world: Future of Human Population P3
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Science forecasts for 2047
Science related predictions due to make an impact in 2047 include: