Trend lists

This List covers trend insights about the future of air force (military) innovation, insights curated in 2023.
Remote work, the gig economy, and increased digitization have transformed how people work and do business. Meanwhile, advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and robots are allowing businesses to automate routine tasks and creating new job opportunities in fields such as data analysis and cybersecurity. However, AI technologies may also lead to job losses and encourage workers to upskill and adapt to the new digital landscape. Moreover, new technologies, work models, and a shift in employer-employee dynamics are also prompting companies to redesign work and improve the employee experience. This report section will cover the labor market trends Quantumrun Foresight is focusing on in 2023.
In this report section, we take a closer look at the drug development trends Quantumrun Foresight is focusing on in 2023, which have seen significant advancements recently, particularly in vaccine research. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the development and distribution of vaccines and necessitated the introduction of various technologies into this field. For instance, artificial intelligence (AI) has played a crucial role in drug development, enabling faster and more accurate analysis of large amounts of data. Moreover, AI-powered tools, such as machine learning algorithms, can identify potential drug targets and predict their effectiveness, streamlining the drug discovery process. Despite its many benefits, there remain ethical concerns surrounding the use of AI in drug development, such as the potential for biased results.
While the COVID-19 pandemic rocked global healthcare, it may also have accelerated the industry's technological and medical advancements in recent years. This report section will take a closer look at some of those ongoing healthcare developments that Quantumrun Foresight is focusing on in 2023. For instance, advances in genetic research and micro and synthetic biology are providing new insights into disease causes and strategies for prevention and treatment. As a result, the focus of healthcare is shifting from reactive treatment of symptoms to proactive health management. Precision medicine—which uses genetic information to tailor treatment to individuals—is becoming increasingly prevalent, as are wearable technologies that modernize patient monitoring. These trends are poised to transform healthcare and improve patient outcomes, but they are not without a few ethical and practical challenges.
This List covers trend insights about the future of the Blockchain Industry. Insights curated in 2023.
In recent years, markets have displayed a growing interest in the commercialization of space, leading to an increasing number of companies and nations investing in space-related industries. This trend has created new opportunities for research and development and commercial activities such as satellite launches, space tourism, and resource extraction. However, this increase in commercial activity is also leading to growing tension in global politics as nations compete for access to valuable resources and seek to establish dominance in the arena. The militarization of space is also a growing concern as countries build up their military capabilities in orbit and beyond. This report section will cover the space-related trends and industries Quantumrun Foresight is focusing on in 2023.
From human-AI augmentation to "franken-algorithms," this report section takes a closer look at the AI/ML sector trends Quantumrun Foresight is focusing on in 2023. Artificial intelligence and machine learning empower companies to make better and faster decisions, streamline processes, and automate tasks. Not only is this disruption transforming the job market, but it is also affecting society in general, altering how people communicate, shop, and access information. The tremendous benefits of AI/ML technologies are clear, but they may also present challenges for organizations and other bodies looking to implement them, including concerns around ethics and privacy.
This List covers trend insights about the future of the Fintech Sector. Insights curated in 2023.
Quantumrun Foresight's annual trends report aims to help individual readers better understand those trends that are set to shape their lives over the decades ahead and to help organizations make more informed decisions to guide their mid-to-long-term strategies.

In this 2024 edition, the Quantumrun team prepared 196 unique insights, divided into 18 sub-reports (below) that span a diverse collection of technological breakthroughs and societal change. Read freely and share widely!
Quantumrun Foresight's annual trends report aims to help individual readers better understand those trends that are set to shape their lives over the decades ahead and to help organizations make more informed decisions to guide their mid-to-long-term strategies. In this 2023 edition, the Quantumrun team prepared 674 unique insights, divided into 27 sub-reports (below) that span a diverse collection of technological breakthroughs and societal change. Read freely and share widely!
The world is seeing rapid advancements in environmental technologies that aim to reduce negative ecological impacts. These technologies encompass many fields, from renewable energy sources and energy-efficient buildings to water treatment systems and green transportation. Likewise, businesses are becoming increasingly proactive in their sustainability investments. Many are ramping up efforts to reduce their carbon footprint and minimize waste, including investing in renewable energy, implementing sustainable business practices, and using eco-friendly materials. By embracing green technologies, companies hope to reduce their environmental impact while benefiting from cost savings and improved brand reputation. This report section will cover the green tech trends Quantumrun Foresight is focusing on in 2023.
Delivery drones are revolutionizing how packages are delivered, reducing delivery times and providing greater flexibility. Meanwhile, surveillance drones are used for various purposes, from monitoring borders to inspecting crops. "Cobots," or collaborative robots, are also becoming increasingly popular in the manufacturing sector, working alongside human employees to increase efficiency and productivity. These machines can provide numerous benefits, including enhanced safety, lower costs, and improved quality. This report section will look at the rapid developments in robotics that Quantumrun Foresight is focusing on in 2023.